With the beautiful games being released this past few weeks, we can’t help but wonder if they will also capture us with their innovative gameplay or detach us from the…
I’m going to compare the design styles of the new Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Horizon: Zero Dawn. Specifically, how they use voiced narration to lead the player.
NieR Automata is only a few more weeks away and it seems like there is always something not game play related about it in the news. It was recently reported…
I was reading my Twitter feed a few days ago when a streamer announced that viewers could download Banner Saga for free. Since I'm a console gamer, I had a…
Video Games - some of them have great and immersive stories and more often than not, there are lovers in these video games that we envy or love; and…
Horrifying Fun Game
All doctors take an oath and vow to help all people who need it. A strict code that determines the appropriate means of treatment. Any…
Chris Redfield Is Back
Yep, you read the headline right. Chris Redfield is back in the game. Players can once again shoot the zombies on their knees and rush in…
Console: PS4Release Date: March 7th, 2017NieR Automata has been released in Japan while in America we have to wait with bated breath for another month. Automata is the…
There aren’t a lot of co-op RPGs out there. But Eternal Sonata and Final Fantasy IX added a simple feature to make their games co-op. And that made all the…