Online gaming has been popular for quite some time now. However, as more and more people are spending their time at their homes, online gaming has grown substantially.
Better internet connections and systems have allowed people to game from the comfort of their homes easily. There is a wide variety of genres of online gaming, Role-playing games, escape room games, puzzle games, action games, adventure games, and many more.
However, our focus is on the top 5 online games you can play in 2021 with ease and is definitely a must-try.
1. Playerunknown ‘s BattleGrounds
Mostly Known as PUBG, this online game has taken gamers everywhere by storm. The concept of battle royale gaming was relatively unexplored when PUBG was released but has since been over-saturated by developers.
PUBG managed to captivate its crowd with huge maps, interesting weapons and mechanics, and a gameplay system that almost everyone could get used to instantly. The thrill of being the best person among literally 100 others is what drives people to this game.
The game is largely free to play and is available on mobile devices as well. It created a whole genre of mobile gaming. There are a lot of game modes to choose from and a lot of customizable options.
While the game is free to play on a phone, it still costs some money on a PC. Most skins and cosmetic items cost in-game money, which you can either earn or buy through microtransactions.
2. League of Legends
One of the oldest games to feature in this list, League of Legends or LOL is one of the most played and famous online games. Since its release, it has become one of the most marketable e-sports.
There are tournaments, leagues, teams, and prize money worth millions to fight for in this game. No wonder it’s an active player base of over 65 million. The game, despite being released in 2009 has good graphics and interesting gameplay.
LOL is a battle arena style game. This means that most teams fight in a fixed arena with the objective of destroying a specific target, usually inside the enemy base. There are usually two teams battling it out in an arena, consisting of five members each.
3. DOTA 2
A game that is similar to League of Legends, DOTA has gained its recognition and prestige as a game of its own. With over 10 million active players, DOTA is one of the most popular MOBA-style games.
MOBA or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Games involve a team of Five going up against another team in a fixed arena. The aim of the game is simple, you need to destroy their base before they destroy yours.
Each player has a role, and thus they choose their characters based on that. While not everyone in a team can fulfill all the functions, it is important to note that it is a team game. The players thus must choose a hero that compliments their team and playing style the most.
4. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
This is one of the oldest running series of games. To this day and age, People are obsessed with this game. The tournaments hosted around this game are super famous, the teams are more committed than ever, and the player base is as huge as ever.
With almost 50 million players actively playing the game, CS: GO is the newest iteration in the counterstrike franchise. The game became popular for its LAN multiplayer but soon, the huge shift to online multiplayer games. There are a number of modes to choose from at this stage.
CS: GO has tons of maps, loads of weapons, and a good skill curve. This is one game where you would actually require a good deal of skill and awareness to be good. You can buy skins, but the skill gap between the best players and noobs can only be reduced by putting your hours in this game.
The game is free-to-play but requires money to buy the prime status, which will allow you to play in prime lobbies, which are relatively cheat-free. The game also gets constant updates and tweaks.
It is better to play this with friends for maximum benefit. Playing this game solo as a newbie might be stressful. This game does not hold your hands and thus needs to be learned through failures.
5. Apex Legends
Apex legends is another battle royale game that is developed by Epic Games (The ones who developed LOL). It is a free-to-play game that is based around looting, shooting, and surviving until the very end. The game isn’t huge in player count, as a map only holds around 60 people.
But the gameplay mechanics make Apex Legends a great free-to-play game. Those who are familiar with the mechanics of the Titanfall series would get used to Apex quite nicely. With swift movements and positional awareness, Apex is a game that needs practice.
With over 50 million active players, the game is still very much a success and alive. Even as the battle royal genre gets diluted, apex legends have retained their popularity among its player base quite effectively.
Online gaming has become one of the most popular and effective ways to spend time online. It has reduced the need to travel to a friend’s place to play games. With the pandemic going on, it is quite a good way to spend some leisure time and reconnect with your friends.
These 5 best online games in 2021 will keep you occupied for a long time to come. It is important to note that gaming is a big industry, and if you don’t find your favorites here, you will find them somewhere else. But definitely try these beloved games.
Author Bio:
Aniya more is one of the brightest content writer at She is a passionate writer who loves to read books and explore different escape rooms. With a great work ethic, she spends most of her time researching and reading. When she is not working, she likes to relax with a cup of coffee and enjoy watching her favorite tv show or walking her dog peanut.

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