Carbine Studios revealed that WildStar endgame content will be challenging, different, unique and hardcore. Additionally, the company ensured that all types of playing styles will be contemplated with respective…
Final Fantasy
When it comes to big ol’ fame-tastic franchises, Final Fantasy will inevitably be mentioned. For many, this enduring and seminal series (because I’m an alliterate twice in two…
Probably the most common and annoying bug in WildStar beta is the addon/UI crashing bug. Even though there are currently several temporary fixes, there doesn't seem to be a…
Dragon Age
Dragon Age Inquisition will be quite different from the previous two games in many ways. The open world element will be one of the most enthusiastic and anticipated…
WildStar beta is currently running and despite the countless bugs haunting the testing phase, there’s one thing that is truly irreproachable, the combat system. Fighting and moving in this…
The Elder Scrolls Online
As expected, The Elder Scrolls Online (TESO) is being reviewed as an average game. It’s not fiction. It’s reality. There’s nothing new or special about this…
DICE has released a statement that claims a permanent fix for the infamous 'rubber banding' problem is on its way. Although this is undoubtedly good news, I have problems with it. The…
Dark Souls
The PC launch of Dark Souls 2 didn't go as well as Namco Bandai might have anticipated: a ton of gamers found it impossible to play the game…
Soul Calibur
Unlocking all the characters in Soul Calibur: Lost Swords is not a task that's as difficult as it might seem at first: it's more a matter of knowledge…
In the days of yore, things were different. Everybody wore steely codpieces (even the women), and lived in draught-tastic castles with questionable toilet arrangements. Most importantly, knights lived by…