EA kicked off it's press conference with footage of Dragon Age: Inquisition. The sizzler reel featured some stunning vistas and a lot of pretty character models walking around, but…
Tomb Raider
During the Xbox conference a Rise of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer was shown. The mostly CG trailer lasted only a couple of minutes, and no additional details…
Platinum Games is developing a new entry into the Crackdown series. The game will debut exclusively on the Xbox One.The reveal trailer showed 2 players teaming up to take…
The Division got it's first gameplay trailer since last E3 during Microsoft's press conference. As a reminder, the games story revolves around a world in which a massive disease…
343 talked about their plans regarding the Halo franchise today while on stage at the Microsoft E3 press conference. They began by talking about Halo: The Master Chief Collection,…
Fable Legends
Lionhead Studios detailed the story, setting, and gameplay for its upcoming Fable Legends. A quick opening cinematic showed an opening village and some NPC characters. The trailer then…
Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive revealed a suite of info on Xbox's big stage. In addition to a new trailer and gameplay, an October 28th release date became final.…
Ubisoft revealed today, during Microsoft's E3 press conference, that next-gen exclusive Assassin's Creed Unity will be the first entry to feature co-op. You and two additional friends can now sleuth…
Turn 10 Studios and company took the stage during Microsoft's press conference Monday to talk a bit about their upcoming projects. To begin, a brand new track will be…
Call of Duty
Opening the Microsoft press conference, developer Slegdehammer games revealed a new trailer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The trailer followed past Call of Duty E3 coverage,…