Far Cry
Ubisoft's press conference kicked off with footage from the publishers next entry into the Far Cry franchise. The trailer begins with a group of people on a bus…
When you think of the real icons of video game villain-tude, the usual suspects arise. Bowser, Albert Wesker and his sunglasses-indoors-like-a-simpleton routine, Sephiroth... We know them, we love them,…
EA and Visceral talked today about this years Battlefield entry. In the first yearly Battlefield entry, players will be taking the place of both Police and Criminals as they…
Mirror's Edge 2 just got a whole lot more interesting! While before we were grasping at straws for any understanding of what the game was, we now know a…
Criterion games took the stage during EA's press conference to talk about their newest project. While the project was called "very far away", it has a very clear conceptual…
EA kicked off it's press conference with footage of Dragon Age: Inquisition. The sizzler reel featured some stunning vistas and a lot of pretty character models walking around, but…
Tomb Raider
During the Xbox conference a Rise of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer was shown. The mostly CG trailer lasted only a couple of minutes, and no additional details…
Platinum Games is developing a new entry into the Crackdown series. The game will debut exclusively on the Xbox One.The reveal trailer showed 2 players teaming up to take…
The Division got it's first gameplay trailer since last E3 during Microsoft's press conference. As a reminder, the games story revolves around a world in which a massive disease…
343 talked about their plans regarding the Halo franchise today while on stage at the Microsoft E3 press conference. They began by talking about Halo: The Master Chief Collection,…