Almost one year ago, Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that a new Pikmin game was in development and close to completion. In today's Nintendo Direct presentation, it seems like that game has finally been revealed. Granted, it's not completely clear whether or not this is the same Pikmin 4 game that Miyamoto described then as an…
Game News
Sony is joining the PC Master Race... kind of. After announcing earlier this year that remote play will be possible on PCs and Macs all over the world, they're now announcing that they have another surprise in store for PlayStation 4 fans. The PlayStation Adaptor is that surprise, a cute little new device that…
Nintendo's mysterious new system, still only known as Codename: NX, is slowly taking shape as more and more games are announced for it. The latest title joining its line-up is the next game in the popular Dragon Quest series, Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time.The newest RPG in the long-running franchise was originally…
I grew up playing the first two games in the Syberia series and loving them like crazy. Syberia was indeed one of those games that made you care or even more - LOVE - your characters and the relations between them, even though one of the main protagonists was a robot! You rarely get…
I've been playing No Man's Sky like crazy in the past few days and I have already discovered and explored a bunch of planets, named a gazillion animal species and plant life and became pretty fluent in Gek. The game is indeed amazing, but the whole crazy solo-explorer thing could get a little boring every…
One of the new cards being added to Hearthstone with the upcoming One Night in Karazhan expansion has been creating a negative stir. Purify is a new card for the Priest class, which is currently the weakest class in the game, and has received a great deal of criticism from several noteworthy players for possibly…
Back in 2016, a hack and slash game, named Lost Soul Aside, was announced. The gameplay is similar to many other games of this genre like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta.It is amazing and most impressive to know that at the start of the development of Lost Soul Aside, there was only one person working…
Games with Gold Freebies 2016
While I am sadly a little late on this, both Sony and Microsoft have announced and released the next batch of games with gold freebies for the PS and Xbox platforms respectively, and it seems to be a decent month for us yet.These are your PlayStation games with gold freebies…
With the insane popularity that Pokemon Go is enjoying right now everywhere in the world, the news of a Pokemon mod for GTA 5 shouldn't come as a huge surprise, but it still does. I mean, OK, I can understand that you can basically twist any type of game as a mod in basically…
During a special event held at ChinaJoy Expo and streamed through the official Hearthstone Twitch channel, Blizzard revealed the next expansion for their popular digital card game. The new Hearthstone adventure, One Night in Karazhan, will be an adventure based around the home of the Guardian Medivh back in its glory days. Medivh is setting up…