With May upon us, it is once again time to dust off the PS4 and Xbox One and prepare yourself for a new batch of free games from Microsoft and Sony respectively. PS While last month was a glaring success for Microsoft, it seems they’ve taken a step back with some indies and games that, to be frank, most people already own.
Sony, while still not meeting the expectations set by Microsoft last month, has a few interesting titles for all of us loyalists at least.
Here are the PlayStation freebies for May.
- Tropico 5 – PS4
- Table Top Racing: World Tour – PS4
- Switch Galaxy Ultra – PS4, PS Vita
- Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 – PS3
- LocoRoco Cocoreccho! – PS3
- God Of War Ghost Of Sparta – PS Vita, PSP
You have to hand it to Sony. They’ve been really trying to diversify the offerings of each month. After what felt like a year of nothing but 2D indie platformers, it’s refreshing that we will be getting something like Tropico 5, a fantastic strategy game that I didn’t even know existed on the platform.
It’s also nice to see Switch Galaxy Ultra, which is a game I’ve never heard of. I think my favourite part about PS Plus is the idea that I’m constantly getting free games I’ve never heard of, just to find out that they’re mostly games I enjoy enough to buy them. Whether this is the case with Switch Galaxy Ultra remains to be seen.
For you equally loyal Xbox patrons, here are the games you will receive for the month of May.
- Defense Grid 2 – Xbox One
- Costume Quest 2 – Xbox One
- Grid 2 – Xbox 360
- Peggle – Xbox 360
What a random month for Games With Gold. After Microsoft blew it out of the water with the wonderful Sunset Overdrive, it is strange to see the headliner being a little tower defense game from 2014. That said, Defense Grid 2 is really tight and well, despite being a list that is not exactly a home run, every game is solid and well worth the download.
If you somehow neglected Peggle for all of these years, grab it, as it is potentially one of the most addictive arcade games available right now.

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