Dragon Age
BioWare has posted on the official Twitter account of Dragon Age Inquisition several new screenshots from the game, showing us a new and chilly area from the upcoming game. And even though I’ve personally had enough cold weather to last me for a lifetime, I still enjoyed the level of detail in the new screenshots, as well as the red spikes that I am sure bring the warmth. And some really crazy monsters to battle.
The new area in the upcoming Dragon Age Inquisition is called the Emprise Du Lion (which means “hold the lion” in French, if Google Translate is to be trusted). It surely has something to do with the castle that we see in some of the screenshots, one protected by huge chains and also guarded by a few people, judging from the red tents posted at the gates. Also, those red lava-like spikes seem to have completely taken over a tower – probably a prison where the “lion” is held, so despite the snow and the chilly weather, I’m sure it will get really warm for the player. Oh, and there’s a dragon too, because we’re talking about Dragon Age Inquisition!
Now get a hot chocolate and look at the new screenshots below, showing us the Emprise Du Lion, qui!
Dragon Age Inquistion will be launched in the 4th quarter of 2014 for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

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