Metal Gear
The much debated interim installment of the Metal Gear Solid series, Ground Zeroes, will be selling for less than originally announced.
Konami has announced a $10 price reduction in the title for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. According to a press release issued by the company the company wants to “provide as many people as possible an opportunity to experience Productions’ FOX Engine and the first installment in the two-part METAL GEAR SOLID V experience.”
Taking the game down from $40 to $30 is likely a response to a questionable game length that sparked outrage online.
Despite reassurances by the games creator that MGS: Ground Zeroes has several side missions and extensive replay value the company has found itself having to justify a main story line beatable in less than two hours.
Ground Zeroes will also now contain downloadable content for the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, including additional resources for players’ “mother base,” a reported key point in MGS 5.
The game will be released on March 18 for both Microsoft and Sony consoles. A release date has not been set for MGS 5.

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