With one of the worst years possibly ever behind us, the dawn of a new era (not really) has begun and with it comes more free games from Sony and Microsoft respectively.
Can they make up for all of the tragedies of 2016? Certainly not. Can they help us forget the truth if only for a moment? you bet.
Here are the January PS Plus offerings with a video briefly showing only two of the five freebies.
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered – PS4 (Cross-buy on Vita)
- This War Of Mine: The Little Ones – PS4
- Blazerush – PS3
- The Swindle – PS3 (Cross-buy on PS4 and PS Vita)
- Azkend 2 – PS Vita
- Titan Souls – PS Vita(Cross-buy on PS4)
Gotta hand it to Sony for their first offering of 2017. While Azkend 2 and Blazerush won’t exactly make you jump with excitement, having a cult classic like Day of the Tentacle, one of the best remasters possibly ever, and a tonally opposite survival game, This War Of Mine is quite a nice choice for the headliners.
I’ve wanted to try out This War Of Mine for quite a while due to all of the praise surrounding the game so this is a perfect opportunity to be miserable in a bleak world. Especially when you can wash away the grime with something as colourful and vibrant as Day of the Tentacle.
Here are the Games With Gold offerings with a proper video. Please take note, Sony.
- World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap – Xbox One
- Killer Instinct Season 2 Ultra Edition – Xbox One
- The Cave – Xbox 360
- Rayman Origins – Xbox 360
I’m not sure I’m entirely on board with Microsoft’s offerings this month, though I cannot deny the positives of the bunch here.
It’s an excellent move for them to provide Gold subscribers with Killer Instinct Season 2, considering that Season 1 was free in the past. It’s a nice way to make us revisit a previously free game that might’ve been sitting there collecting dust for a while.
I am also quite a huge fan of tower defense games for what it is worth. And despite Van Helsing suffering from severe slowdown and some awful UI, it’s a pretty fun game to play while you listen to podcasts or music.
Rayman Origins is a nice finisher to the month, as it is a gorgeous platformer with some neat ideas on show.

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