My favourite console (bar none), the Mega Drive, had quite a long and relatively prolific life. Sonic the iconic, Alex Kidd with the craptacular sideburns, the RISE FROM YOUR…
It's that time of the month again. Sony has revealed its line-up for the free games catalogue to all Playstation Plus users across all Sony platforms.With hits like Strider…
Here’s a game that knows the surest path to my affections: have a craptacular pun in your title.Cult classic MediEvil was released for the PlayStation in 1998. It’s an…
Splatoon, one of the most surprisingly unique games of 2014's E3, has finally had a full match shown off in the form of a toaster-esque video from the floor.…
After the announcement of Maplestory 2 and its extremely disappointing reveal, I had been waiting to see what Nexon had in store for us next. To my surprise, they've…
Super Mario
Oh yes indeed. Everybody knows these cheeky buggers. They’re gaming’s most adorable ghosts, with their hiding-faces-in-their-hands-like-a-three-year-old shenanigans. The last thing you’d ever expect to KILL YOU RIGHT IN…
Tomodachi Life
Some video games are just uniquely Japanese. They have an inimitable sense of the wackily charming and the charmingly wacky. This same spirit brought forth the Miis, the…
Being mobile today is a must and more and more gamers are moving from their desktop computers to gaming laptops for the added mobility benefits and the ability to…
Bloodborne tickled everybody with its impressive CGI showing at this year's E3. It perfectly captured the type of atmosphere, dread, and grotesque nature of Miyazaki's vision, but it lacked…