Developers Respawn have officially announced that a multi-platform sequel to the shooter is in development. This may polarise some gamers opinions, whilst Titanfall was well received on the awards…
If you ask anyone what they thought of this years E3, most will tell you that it was one of the better shows of late. Surprise announcements made about…
If you are a survival horror fan of games such as Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc, and you haven't checked out Outlast, well. You are in for a terrifying…
Before I start this article, I want to make something clear – Rockstar is one of the best developers working today and not once did they release a bad…
Persona 5
According to the official website for Persona 5 the game is still coming out this year, which is simply untrue. 2015 is too vague and is more likely…
Kingdom Hearts
WARNING! This post contains spoilers for the Kingdom Hearts III. If you've played all the games or just don't care about spoilers, feel free to read on.So, as…
Square Enix show up for the first time with a press conference this E3, and they had a bag of goodies with them. Among everything shown at the press…
The Gaming market on Youtube is definitely a big one! It's one of the biggest Niches out there and it claims that hundreds of millions of gamers are posting…
Killing Floor 2
The world of Killing Floor 2 is fast-paced, exciting, and inexplicably gory -- all things fans pined over in the original. While it’s true that Killing Floor…
On Wednesday the 24th of June the next patch in Blizzard's flagship MMO's latest expansion, Warlords of Draenor will go live.Patch 6.2, deigned by Blizzard 'Fury of Hellfire' aims…