Irrational Games, the studio behind acclaimed titles such as System Shock 2, BioShock and BioShock Infinite, are looking for a senior UI artist and a character modeler to work on…
Valve has opened submissions for developers to ask them for a Steam controller so they can make their game playable through one.If you are interested to make your game playable…
I've been a massive Metal Gear fan, since MGS2: Sons of Liberty. I've played every game released with the words 'Metal' and 'Gear' in the title, except for the god…
Warner Bros – the guys who currently own DC and any DC related products – has recently assumed all responsibility for the failure on the quality standards for their AAA…
A little while ago I wrote a piece on why Bloodborne's online functionality was essentially ruined in my eyes. It garnered a lot of attention - mainly negative - and…
EA's latest Mirror's Edge franchise entry, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, might allow you to join other players sessions to compete together in time trials. The pre-order content grants you a…
EA's DICE highly anticipated Star Wars game, Star Wars Battlefront, had some details that people still wanted to know and EA has answered some of the community questions on their blog especially…
One of the new features of Heavensward was the Undersized party option. Frankly, I think the name should be Unsynced rather than Undersized as it fits a little better. Undersized…