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First Tales from the Borderlands Details Revealed


SXSW is a thing that happens, and like all things that happen, it did in fact take place this year. Of all the panels and conferences within SXSW, I am here to grace you with the most important aspect of the event: Tales from the Borderlands.

Key members of both Telltale Games and Gearbox Software sat down to discuss their upcoming collaborative project that takes the narrative, character driven aspects of Telltale’s best work, and Gearbox’s absolutely bananas world and characters to deliver the best of both worlds.

The video below, though quite lengthy, sheds much light on several aspects of Tales from the Borderlands, including its spot in the lore, the types of things you will be taking part in, and much more.

To say that Tales from the Borderlands is promising is to understate how much potential this project actually has. As mentioned at the panel, Telltale has a rich history with comedic games.

The video below, though quite lengthy, sheds much light on several aspects of Tales from the Borderlands, including its spot in the lore, the types of things you will be taking part in, and much more.

Borderlands blessed everyone in 2012 with one of the most hilarious, clever, and self aware games we’ve had in years, so combining that humour with Telltale’s writing prowess has me on the edge of my seat with excitement.

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