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Retro Corner: Pokémon Snap

Pokémon Lord knows that the pokémon have been shafted into all kinds of ridiculous spin-offs in their time. That crappy DS launch game where you rubbed Pikachu’s butt to run, that voice-recognition thing that had absolutely no clue what you were saying... there have certainly been some stinkers.But Pokémon Snap. Pokémon freaking Snap. This little…

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“How’s THIS for an Idea for a Game?” #1- The Murderous Monkeys of ‘Ape Escape’

Monkeys Ah, chimps. We all know how adorable these hairy little buggers are. Monkeys are, of course, undeniably brilliant, but chimps just take the cake. They’re mischievous, intelligent and aren’t averse to playing with themselves in zoos regardless of who’s watching. What’s not to like?Still, like all cutesy things we love, monkeys have a dark…

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Retro Corner: Gunstar Heroes

Gunstar Ah, Treasure. You crazy guys, with your legendary reputation for bullet-flailing, toontastic madness. These guys brought us Gunstar Alien Soldier, the lost classic in which a creepy bird-freak in a spacesuit blows up everything ever with absurd weaponry.In the same vein, we have today’s slice of retro crazy. Feast your eyes on Gunstar Heroes.This 1993…

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