Why, yes. Crimsonland does sound like a generic, craptacular, low-budget horror movie. You know the sort of thing: drunken youths wander about an abandoned amusement park at night and everybody wonders who’s going to have their pancreas impaled by the crazed killer first.Well, fear not. That’s only kinda sorta the deal here, and in…
When Proteus was made free with Playstation Plus, I immediately swooped in and downloaded it. I am not only an avid gamer, but a self-proposed open-minded gamer. I will try anything, and I generally like to sink my teeth in before I conclude with a final opinion. That said, occasionally a game strikes me so rapidly…
Lord knows that the pokémon have been shafted into all kinds of ridiculous spin-offs in their time. That crappy DS launch game where you rubbed Pikachu’s butt to run, that voice-recognition thing that had absolutely no clue what you were saying... there have certainly been some stinkers.But Pokémon Snap. Pokémon freaking Snap. This little…
Ah, chimps. We all know how adorable these hairy little buggers are. Monkeys are, of course, undeniably brilliant, but chimps just take the cake. They’re mischievous, intelligent and aren’t averse to playing with themselves in zoos regardless of who’s watching. What’s not to like?Still, like all cutesy things we love, monkeys have a dark…
Resident Evil 4 was the game that brought a paradigm shift to the franchise. As such, it’s an odd case that is as celebrated as it is scorned (and if anybody does scorn, it’s the nerdsassins of the Internet).Over the course of the original trilogy, we got a cast-iron sense of what Resident Evil…
Ah, Treasure. You crazy guys, with your legendary reputation for bullet-flailing, toontastic madness. These guys brought us Gunstar Alien Soldier, the lost classic in which a creepy bird-freak in a spacesuit blows up everything ever with absurd weaponry.In the same vein, we have today’s slice of retro crazy. Feast your eyes on Gunstar Heroes.This 1993…
PS Vita hasn’t been the most stellar of success stories. Much of this is due to a failure to utilize its impressive potential. In the technical stakes, it’s quite the I-think-I-just-wet-myself-a-little powerhouse; in handheld console terms. But what of the most crucial factor, the games themselves?The portable Uncharted that released with it was a…
Fans are a fickle bunch. Fans of video games, infinitely more so. These guys aren’t above spittle-flying nerdly tirades on the Internet, so watch your darn step. If a series changes too much --or indeed too little-- it’s like a minefield of abuse and/or poorly-spelled death threats via Twitter.Which is, all told, not fun.Spin-offs…
Generally reviews are pretty straight forward from a writer’s perspective. Play the game, dissect the game, review the game. Even if the process is complex, the steps are rudimentary ... that is to say, if the game actually functions.In the case of The Wolf Among Us: Cry Wolf, the game ceased to cooperate so…
Let’s be frank: the underlings of the Mushroom Kingdom are fairly sucktacular. When your enemies consist of Goombas and Koopas, you’re not in any kind of darn trouble at all. You’re hardly in rapper in constant danger of being 'popped' in 'da hood' territory, right here.Goombas don’t even have any arms, and they look…