Digital Extremes, developer of the F2P Sci-fi MMOFPS Warframe, may be working on a new game called Keystone. This is just a rumor by someone who isn't even working there but through a Reddit user, UndercoverLegend, claims that he just walked into the building after following a “tattooed dude”. Either he is making all of…
The Sky Soldier
NIS America, subsidiary of Nippon Ichi Software, Inc., has released a new gameplay trailer for the upcoming Wii U/3DS game Rodea: The Sky Soldier.The game takes place in Garuda, a kingdom that lies in the sky, 1,000 years after an Emperor by the name of Geardo of the Naga Empire sent an…
Blizzard - the developers behind World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Heroes of the Storm, and many other well-known franchises – announced an entirely new expansion for their widely known cards game Hearthstone, which will go online on July 22, according to a scroll written by the developers. This so mentioned “scroll” was sent to PC…
No Man's Sky
One of the most talked about games that smacked fans upside the head at last year’s E3 was No Man’s Sky. Developed by a four-man development team, Hello Games pitched their game in the most nonchalant manner possible. They promised a universe but showed just a sliver of it. Now, a year…
Yooka Laylee
Ex-Rare developers, now part of Playtonic Studios, recently revealed their spiritual successor to Banjo Kazooie. This was the chameleon and bat duo Yooka-Laylee. Straight away for many it was love at first sight. This was proven by 73,206 backers that pledged £2,090,104 to help bring this project to life. Now with the studio having smashed all…
Riot Games
Riot Games, the developers behind the much acclaimed MOBA League of legends, has recently invested a yet unknown amount of money in the Media and Tech Company known as Curse.Curse currently owns Curse Voice, is an application that operates a secure voice over IP service that is still in beta, as his Gamepedia…
Super Mario
It bothers me that everyone wants an HD remake of Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. We just had those, what’s the rush? You slide those games into either your Wii or Wii U and they still look great! They don’t even run in native 1080p but they look like they do! If…
Uncharted Movie
The Award Winning PS3 and soon to be PS4 series has had it's film adaptation Uncharted Movie delayed due to the departure of Director Seth Gordon. The Title was originally going to hit theaters on June 10, 2016, but the new release date is now unknown. Though this isn't the end for this…
Final Fantasy XIV
With the extremely successful launch of its first expansion, Heavensward, in the rear view mirror, Final Fantasy XIV has become one of the fastest growing MMO subscriber bases in the current era of MMO's today. Square Enix proudly announced that they have surpassed two million active subscriptions and are likely well on…
I must confess that I’m a huge fanboy of games that use permadeath, especially the strategic ones, like XCOM or the Fire Emblem series. I think it is not needed to say that I’m really anxious about their next installments, Fire Emblem: Fates and XCOM 2, respectively.Although both of them are showing great…