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Amazon has revealed its new cloud gaming service, Luna

Amazon Luna

American conglomerate Amazon is launching a new cloud gaming platform named Amazon Luna. This platform will act similarly to the existing Google Stadia and will be compatible with PC, Mac, and Fire TVs. There will also be web apps created that will provide native support for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.

The major difference between Luna and Stadia is how their respective business models will work. Whilst Stadia has users purchase games to stream like most other platforms, Luna is a little different. Instead, users will be able to subscribe to various “game channels,” that will provide access to different libraries.

What you need to know about Amazon Luna

Amazon Luna controllerSo far Amazon has confirmed two game channels. First, its own Luna+ channel will feature the likes of Control, Yooka-Laylee, and Resident Evil 7. Alternatively, you could for the Ubisoft game channel which will provide access to just about every major Ubisoft product on the market. That also includes first day access to any upcoming games too.

Amazon describes the Ubisoft channel as Luna’s “first game channel in development.” Presumably, it will reach out to other major publishers and indie developers in order to create other channels for consumers to opt into.

On top of all this, Luna will also feature Twitch integration making it a surprisingly decent platform for casual steaming. Players will also be able to see other people’s Twitch streams and actually launch Luna games through the official Twitch client itself.

Regarding pricing, we currently know how much the Luna+ package will cost as well as the controller. You can get the Luna+ game channel for just $5.99 a month. That puts it in a similar bracket to other similar products like Stadia itself. As for the controller, that will launch at $49.99, matching the existing PS4 and Xbox One equivalents.

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