Riot Games
Riot Games, the developers behind the much acclaimed MOBA League of legends, has recently invested a yet unknown amount of money in the Media and Tech Company known as Curse.
Curse currently owns Curse Voice, is an application that operates a secure voice over IP service that is still in beta, as his Gamepedia service. It also runs Futhead, a website of and Hearthpwn a web site of Heartstone among others.
In regard to their most recent “investment”, Riot Games states:
“Riot really believes in what we’re doing and where we’re going,”
And Hubert Thieblot, CEO and founder of Curse, replies:
“In the last year, we’ve seen the size of Curse Voice grow from nothing to over 1m active players. We’ve added support for most of the top 200 games in the world and are deeply integrated with some of the most popular games our players play.
This is, of course, exciting and positive news for us. We’ve known Riot for a long time, and know that Riot, like us, cares very deeply about the core gamer. I’m excited and confident that this will be good for Curse and for the millions of players we serve via Curse Voice.”
And don’t forget, for more on Riot Games related, stay tuned to VGamerZ.

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