While we’ll be left waiting for the Codename NX until early 2017, Nintendo has a much more old-school system in the works for this year’s holiday season. The NES Classic Edition was announced via the official Nintendo Twitter feed and will come preloaded with 30 beloved games of the 8-bit era. The system has been shown on all of Nintendo’s official Twitter feeds, such as their Spanish, French, and Russian accounts, suggesting a global release.
While the new system is designed after the original Nintendo Entertainment System, it will not actually be able to play old NES cartridges. Instead, the machine will have a selection of games preloaded onto it that can be readily played after plugging it in. Many of the games included will be classic first-party games including the Super Mario trilogy, the first two Legend of Zelda games, Metroid, Excitebike, and StarTropics.
It will also feature a variety of third-party titles, including Pac-Man, Mega Man 2, Final Fantasy, Double Dragon II, the first two Castlevania games, and Tecmo Bowl. You can check out the full list of games here. The system isn’t designed for internet access or external media, so these 30 will be the only games you’ll be able to play with the system.
There have been plenty of preloaded consoles in the past, some with dubious legality, but rarely has a major developer like Nintendo delved into such a concept. SNK Playmore released a handheld version of their Neo Geo console called the Neo Geo X in 2012, but infamously ran into trouble with their manufacturer. While the Classic Mini seems like an easy ticket for printing money, but there is a fair share of potential mishaps that could harm it. Given Nintendo’s recent problems with supplying hardware like amiibos and the Gamecube controller adapter, there’s a chance that Nintendo may see this as nothing more than a collector’s item and understock it.
The NES Classic Edition is set to release on November 11th later this year for $60. It will include one NES Controller and will be compatible with the Wii Classic Controller and Wii Classic Controller Pro. Will you be picking one up yourself? What NES titles do you wish had been included? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

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