Wild Hunt
Elves are one of the three major races in Andrzej Sapkowski's Witcher novels, and CD Projekt RED's games. They are also one of the three Elder Races, along…
Vampire Killer
Gaming is literally chocked full of awesome weapons, sweet gadgets and general bits and bobs designed to streamline your killing experience. But only the greatest weapons become iconic;…
It's been awhile with all of the Blackrock Mountain coverage coming up, but it's finally time for another Hearthstone guide to help you build up your collection of cards. This…
More cards have been revealed for the upcoming Hearthstone adventure, Blackrock Mountain, and they have their own share of shake-ups for the game. All three new cards are class-exclusive…
Humans are one of the three major races in the world of Andrzej Sapkowski's Witcher novels, and CD Projekt Red's games. Humans are prominent throughout the Nilfgaardian Empire and…
Netherrealms Studios has officially announced all of the content that will be included in the season pass for Mortal Kombat X. The Kombat Pack contains four new characters, themed…
Sometimes, you just can't predict how people are going to react to something. Game developers create a character with the expectation that players will have one reaction only for…
Blizzard has revealed some of the new cards that will be added into Hearthstone with the Blackrock Mountain adventure set to release next month. Some of them look like massive…