The team that were responsible for Resident Evil HD are working on a Resident Evil 2 remake for the new generation of consoles.That's right, after years of wishing and hoping,…
Col is the currency of the game and while it's rather generous at the start with giving you 3 million Col, you will soon realize that it's barely enough. Items…
Valve, the company behind the much acclaimed Steam Online Store, have very recently announced a portable console that is due to run the Steam OS and have the capability to…
Exact Attacks, or Just Attacks as they were known in the other versions of the game, is a bonus effect when using the Burst Attack skill. It'll lower the risk…
Scalebound is the next game from developer Platinum Games, responsible for fast paced high octane action such as Vanquish and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. After first being revealed at E3…
Growing up my favourite Final Fantasy game was always Final Fantasy X (FFX). To this day it is the only Final Fantasy game that I have ever managed to truly…
Arkham Knight has soared in sales and all around critical acclaim. And why shouldn't it? Its a fantastic game that has expanded the Batman Universe on a gaming platform like…
One of the more surprising Gamescom reveals for me this year, Mafia III has been announced for 2016 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.Mafia III stars Lincoln Clay, a Vietnam…
Let's be honest here. Summer Sale week 1 was a disappointment. It seemed like they couldn't really figure out what to put on sale so they chose a slew of…