There has been a very mixed response to the idea of "early access" games, but my opinion is that it helps developers who might otherwise not have access to funds to continue the development of their titles and, in some cases, deliver some true masterpieces. There are a ton of games available in the…
Ah, Asteroids. As retro gaming celebrities go, this guy is right up there. You’ll see him at swanky game-y cocktail parties, entertaining his groupies alongside Space Invaders and Pac-Man and other such A listers. These are the retro games, and they demand your attention.Which is why I’m typing words at your face regarding Asteroids…
Crooked Mile
The next episode of Telltale Games’ The Wolf Among Us is releasing this week on April 8th and new stunning facts are about to be disclosed. Fabletown is living a true horror scenario with the mysterious serial killer on the loose but Bigby, as well as other Crooked Mile factions, seem to be…
There were some bowel-looseningly big releases in March, there’s no denying. What with South Park: Destiny The Stick of Truth and Titanfall and other such wonderment, it was a gametastic month. But for me, one of the highlights was a comparatively obscure Vita offering.Destiny of Spirits arrived last week, and was an under-the-radar release…
March 2014 was definitely a month of giants. Many mainstream and highly anticipated games were released and the result couldn’t be better. The gaming charts filled up with thousands of sales all over the world and the gaming media had plenty of quality content to review. But which games were the best? And which…
Zilean is an old champion; he has been part of League of Legends (LoL) since the very beginning but he has never been a top selected one. Why? Well, because he doesn’t entirely fit a single role, he’s a hybrid champion, half mage, half support. However, in this fourth Season he has been revised…
Oh yes indeed. Remember when there were but 151 pokémon? There are almost a thousand of the buggers now. It’s too much for my addled, decrepit mind to handle. So let’s party like it’s 1998 and reminisce about a simpler time, when Pokémon was simpler and our hairlines hadn’t started to recede.It’s Pokémon Blue…
Bioshock Infinite was a bit of a bizarre game. It released to nearly endless praise, only to be called the most overrated game of 2013 weeks after the dust had settled. From the story to the gameplay, it has become quite polarized in its reception as time goes on. Burial At Sea: Episode 1 promised to…
Goat Simulator’s final release (April 1st) is approaching and the hype deepens. Being a destructive goat seems to be exciting enough for most but really, what’s so special about a game with no plot, storyline or missions? The answer is simple and it can be defined in one word – trolling. This indie title…
March is almost over and another month filled with enthusiastic game releases is approaching. April 2014 promises to deliver a huge diversity of gaming genres and cross-platform games titles. Innovation and creativity won't be forgotten in most of the next-gen release this month. And even if April doesn’t include many AAA releases, there’s still…