Fashionably late as I am, I stumbled upon an article from Kotaku writer Yannick LeJacq that brought up an issue not often touched upon. He talks about a recent trend wherein developers and publishers push and aim for "content" as opposed to "fun" or "video games", and how it is a potential plague on the…
Now that the holidays are over and dispensed with, and the TV has stopped bombarding us with adverts featuring snow and jangly music, it’s time to look forward. 2014 was an odd year for games, what with Gamergate and snowball fights to the death in Grand Theft Auto V and all. But it’s time…
Welcome to 2015! If the science fiction writers of the past were to be believed, we’d all have hoverboards and teleports and all manner of incredible techtastic by now. Alas, that’s not even close to true, but the dirge of everyday life continues.As such, let’s take a look at one thing that 2015 means…
As we know, licensed games are always a dodgy prospect. Alarm bells start to ring at the very mention of a ‘game-of-the-film,’ and we know they’re in immediate danger of rating high on the crapometer. For this egregious prejudice, I blame Superman 64 and its legacy of awful.Oftentimes, the bigger a blockbuster the source…
Here I am at Smashaholics Anonymous, ready to admit I have a problem. Yep, I’m addicted to For Glory mode.I’ve never played the original Smash Bros., but I certainly fell in love with Melee and Brawl. In both games, I’ve clocked up an absurd amount of playtime, and ventured into just about everything they…
war of Mine
I'll start by being honest with you: I didn't have any high expectations from This War of Mine - I had no expectations, actually, since I barely knew anything about the game. I've decided to purchase it, though, as part of the Steam Winter sale mostly because I am willing to try…
Toilet Kids
As we know, arcade games aren’t big on story. There’s a time and a place for complex, convoluted Da Vinci Code-esque plotting, and this isn’t it. Was Pac-Man an ambitious take on corporate greed, eating up everything in sight to turn a profit and eating your competitors alive in the process? No, no…
We have already talked how to unlock all characters in WWE 2K15, but now it's time to decide which are the best wrestlers in the game since we have so many to choose from and so little time to completely test them all out and especially master them.The good thing about this year's game is…
In 2014 game-ery, DLC is nothing less than a dirty word (or rather, acronym). It’s the scourge of our times, and if there’s one thing the Internet likes to whine about, it’s this shady business.We all know the routine. From tiny little additions that barely qualify as microtransactions to whole new campaigns, these guys…
We’re stretching the definition of ‘retro’ a little with this one, but nuts to that. Who’s counting? This is a bona fide classic, right here, and that’s good enough for me.Metal Gear Solid hit the PlayStation in 1998, the first 3D installment in the stealthtacular Metal Gear franchise. It continues the story of our…