In 1996, Game Freak introduced the Pokemon game franchise into the gaming community, a game franchise that even today revels in high demand and levels of enjoyment spanning over a variety of age groups. The franchise possesses a simple yet addictive objective of catching various monsters known as 'Pokemon' in order to befriend them, train…
Anime Games
What is it about Batman that fascinates us so much? Is it his determination to thwart evil no matter the cost? Is it his enemies that have become as iconic as the cape crusader himself? Or is it the many ways he is reinvigorated through the decades? Batman: Arkham Knight has finally arrived and is…
Lara Croft GO
E3 2015 showed us not one but TWO new Tomb Raider games to add to the long on-going franchise, these two games being the Rise of the Tomb Raider which is the sequel to the 2013 reboot simply titled Tomb Raider, and the second game being a little mobile game called Lara Croft GO from…
Oh, Arkham. You’ve been singlehandedly dragging the reputation of licensed games out of the gutter since 2009. With one fell swoop, Batman: Arkham Asylum erased all of our terrible Superman 64 memories, and that’s a beautiful thing. Rocksteady are doing the impossible, right here.‘Good for a licensed game?’ Sure, that’s plausible. But among the…
Now, I’m not the type to bust out a long, rage-tastic diatribe about licensed games. Let’s all just admit that they (usually) suck monkey nuts, and get on with our lives.Still, it wasn’t always that way. Like the decrepit old gamer I am, I remember the glory days. The days we had truly fantastic…
There’s a nerdly ritual among gamers everywhere. We call it... holiday-themed Pokémon gaming.This past Halloween, for instance, I was indulging in some seasonal Dead Space and The Evil Within. But somehow, slavering mutants clawing at my face and psychotic murderers brandishing chainsaws just don’t scream ‘Christmas festive funtimes’ to me.So, this holiday season, it’s…
It’s an irrefutable fact of poké-life: these games don’t change much. Pokémon is one of gaming’s most beloved franchises, yet it’s also one of the most stubbornly stick-to-its-laurels-ish. (Yes, that is a thing).Each installment adds a subtle twist or gimmick to the formula. We’ve seen contests and pokéblocks and all manner of other distractions.…