The Shenmue series defines cult classic with its two beloved entries on the Dreamcast, but was unable to continue the series due to poor sales. Players were enamored with the incredibly detailed world and heartfelt story and have been eagerly awaiting a continuation of the series for more than a decade.
In a surprising announcement at Sony’s E3 conference, a Kickstarter was revealed for Shenmue III. Why Sony held this announcement at their conference when they have almost nothing to do with it is anyone’s guess. The only concern is that the funding goal is a massive $2 million.
Shenmue III Kickstarter page just got updated today with something very interesting to fans of the series’ that want to back the game’s already incredible crowd funding run. Shenmue III has become one of the top 10 most funded Kickstarter campaigns ever.
The newest update added new rewards for certain amount of money donated which includes a guestbook that gives you the chance to “put your name and a 140 character message in the guestbook of a Choubu inn.” or even have a capsule figure made after you by non-other than Main Character Designer Kenji Miyawaki.
While Bloodstained managed to raise well over $5 million and many other major projects like Yooka-Laylee and Broken Age easily passed $3 million each, they’re initial goals were more modest. It’s certainly not impossible for Shenmue III to hit its goal, but don’t expect it to feature many stretch goals.
At the time of writing, the Kickstarter has already raised $960,996 and is continuing to climb every second. It is set to release on Playstation 4 and PC if it’s successfully funded.
You can check out the Kickstarter campaign for Shenmue III here if you want to contribute.

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