As the year comes to a close and we open our arms to welcome 2016 and ultimately fail to meet our New Year’s Resolutions, we can take solace in the fact that Sony will be handing out another batch of free games to those subscribed to their monthly service, Playstation Plus.
While this month isn’t going to blow the pants off most of us, it’s nice to see some of these titles get some much-needed love.
Here are this month’s picks.
Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4)
Medal Of Honor Warfighter (PS3)
Legends of War: Patton (PS Vita)
Hardware: Rivals in particular, piques my curiosity. It’s almost as if we’re getting access to the baby that Rocket League and Twisted Metal created. And, for those of you who never got the chance to play Dragon Age: Origins or Grim Fandango, you should check both of them out, as they’re excellent games. Can’t say the same about Warfighter, however.
As always, check this link for the full announcement, courtesy of PlayStation Blog.

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