I’ve been playing No Man’s Sky like crazy in the past few days and I have already discovered and explored a bunch of planets, named a gazillion animal species and plant life and became pretty fluent in Gek. The game is indeed amazing, but the whole crazy solo-explorer thing could get a little boring every now and then and a bit of diversity never hurts.
The good news is that the development team behind No Man’s Sky agrees with me (without directly knowing it, of course) and they’re planning to bring a much expected feature in an upcoming update: Base Building. The announcement was briefly made during the listing of the update changes brought by patch 1.03 and most people completely ignored it.
Here is what Sean Murray, the Managing Director at Hello Games had to say:
“Next up we’re adding the ability to build bases and own giant space freighters. Temporal AA and my new cloud rendering tech should be coming soon too. It will really change the game again, and enhance it visually.”
Yup, base building is finally coming – sooner or later – to No Man’s Sky and I am extremely excited about that! The implications of base building and the amount of extra content it could deliver are limitless. Just imagine building huge planetary bases to store all the items that you collect on planets, maybe bring in a few of the zaniest animals as pets and have a place to call home… on each planet that you build! Owning giant Space Freighters is also great news, but right now it’s the base building thing that makes me happy.
No Man’s Sky is an amazing game and it was built to be an exploration game. However, as I said earlier, things can get boring if you just explore and roam around and then explore some more: the scenery is pretty much the same, the caves all look pretty much the same, the animals and plants are pretty much the same. Base building would offer a welcomed break and the best news is that it’s not something you will be forced to do if you don’t want to. But I am sure it will prove to be an instant hit.
Too bad that no extra details have been given regarding the option to build bases in No Man’s Sky, but I expect the feature to be pretty basic when it’s launched (whenever that happens) and for it to become bigger and better with future updates. If they add to the list potential player interactions and meetings, then we will indeed have a stellar game on our hands!

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