Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat X, the highly anticipated new installment in the long-running series of bloody fighting games, has released and, unfortunately, is having its fair share of launch issues across each version. One common problem that players have been reporting on both the Xbox One and Playstation 4 versions of the game is an inability to redeem codes for the Gold Scorpion skin available exclusively in the Kollector’s Edition.
Apparently, several players have tried to enter their codes for the skin only to be told that their codes have already been used despite getting the codes directly from the box. The skin is based on a figurine designed by Coarse (pictured above) and reminiscent of Batman: The Animated Series.
Given that the Kollector’s Edition costs either $150 or $180 for the version that includes the figure itself, it’s more than understandable that players would be upset about this. Have you run into any issues with the new game? Leave a comment below and let us know.

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The same thing happened to me, and you can find another two people that had the same issue here:
Hopefully once the game has entirely downloaded we will find the skin already in the game, but if we don’t, well, Microsoft have a lot to answer for.
ive fully installed my game on xbox one and the story mode and multiple tower modes are still red and wont allow me to play them. ive completed the tutorial and played the versus mode and logged out and back in but it still wont work. anybody know what to do?
Hello. That happened to me to so i uninstslled the game from my xbox and reinstslled it and tjst fixed it. Hope this helps
alyxys labelle
I got my copy yesterday, opened it today, redeemed all codes (goro and kombat pack)….but when I tried my gold scorpion code it said it done been redeemed. I called Xbox support and they told me it was already used
I have mortal kombat premium edition but not gold sorpion ? hm.. or must code ? how ?
Same here! im really pissed! i bought the course edition, and my code for golden scorpion says that it’s already been used!!!
Get yours straight! i payed alot of money for this!