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Halo E3 Coverage


343 talked about their plans regarding the Halo franchise today while on stage at the Microsoft E3 press conference. They began by talking about Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which bundles Halo 1, 2, 3 and 4 together on Xbox One. The collection is all together on one disc, and features a unified menu system.

Halo 2 has been retouched a-la Halo: Combat Evolved, and will also include Halo 2’s multiplayer. Five of the most iconic maps from Halo 2 are being redone for Xbox One as well, and the Collection includes over 100 maps, has 4000 Gamerscore available, and all the single player stories. The bundle also includes the live action Halo: Nightfall and comes with a Halo 5 beta invite.

The Master Chief collection releases November 11th for Xbox One, and amazingly only costs 60 dollars. As someone who has never played a Halo game, I think this is a great way to capture the series magic in a bottle. Other series would be wise to take this route in remastering their games. Do you like the format? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Remember that for all your E3 news needs, check out Vgamerz coverage hub.

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