Kingdom Hearts 3
Kingdom hearts fans rejoiced this past week as Square-Enix finally gave the fans a new trailer with some gameplay of the game that just disappeared years ago…
It warms my heart for Nintendo's new IP to be accepted with open arms by the online community. With so many games coming out to scrutiny, it's refreshing to…
Oh, Crash. In your early nineties glory days, you were the unofficial mascot of the PlayStation. Groupies, shopping centre openings, invitations to spangly celebrity cocktail parties... the bandicoot had…
Witcher contracts in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are side-quests that task Geralt with slaying unique, especially difficult enemies who are providing trouble for various people – great winged…
Final Fantasy
Now that E3 2015 is drawn to a close, us gamers can finally sit down and comprehend some of the bombs that were announced this year. The most…
This year sees the first expansion, aptly named Heavensward, come to the MMORPG Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn.A Realm Reborn came out in 2013 after being completely remade and…
The Shenmue series defines cult classic with its two beloved entries on the Dreamcast, but was unable to continue the series due to poor sales. Players were enamored with…
South Park
South Park: The Stick of Truth was one of those rare few licensed games to garner critical acclaim, capturing the unique look and feel of the long-running animated…