Gungeon Boss Guide
In my opinion, Bullet King is one of the most difficult bosses that you can encounter at Level 1 (Chapter 1) because he fills the room with…
The Wallmonger is one insanely difficult boss in Enter the Gungeon: you're basically fighting against a huge wall that takes up the whole screen, shoots like crazy and has a…
There are a ton of secrets, hidden characters and surprises waiting for those who start playing the amazing Enter the Gungeon roguelike that has just been released on Steam and…
Hearthstone has plenty of crazy card effects, and none are crazier than the legendaries. They're the hardest cards to get ahold of and you can only use one of each…
The early access version of the highly anticipated RollerCoaster Tycoon World game has finally been launched and you probably can't wait to get the game and jump into building the…
April is nearly here, and with it comes another great batch of free games from both Sony and Microsoft respectively. While Sony seems intent on offering indies and older games…
Sony has, for the last few weeks, begun uploading promotional videos for the ever popular Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, detailing the incredible design process from the beautiful people at…
Dark Souls III is launching in North America in so little time that I can hardly type this sentence without feeling moonlight butterflies in my stomach. The anticipation is at…