The Quartermastery chain missions from Scribe Haylen at the Brotherhood of Steel can be challenging to complete. Find out how to quickly do part two and three in a matter of minutes.
The Quartermastery chain is about retrieving technology devices/pieces from determined locations given by Scribe Haylen. Some of them are hard to get because they’re surrounded by elite enemies, others not so much. Let’s see how to quickly do part two and three of this mission.
Part 2 – Flux Sensor
1. Go to Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup
Get to the location that Haylen gives you – Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup. It’s south-west of Sanctuary Hills near the Abernathy Farm, you can’t miss it.
2. Unlock the Truck’s Load
You’ll notice a green icon inside a truck’s load, that’s because you need to open it. Advanced lock-picked is required for this mission. If you don’t have it, you need to come back later on until you do.
3. Get Inside and Pick the Flux Sensor
Now, get inside by jumping in and head towards the big chest. Pick the loot and you’ll get the Flu Sensor that Haylen wants. Head back to her to finish the mission.
Part 3 – Reflex Capacitor
1. Go to Poseidon Reservoir
Head to the starting location at Poseidon Reservoir and clean the entrance area. You’ll encounter a few raiders nearby and then, a few ghouls around the entrance door, that is if you didn’t clean the area before.
2. Get Inside and Fight
Get inside the facility and get ready for intense combat. As soon as you get in, get in stealth mode with CTRL and check the area. There are dozens of normal ghouls in the level below. Use the right room as a tactical point to lure them. There are elites too so you might want to use grenades and a strong weapon here.
3. Head Downstairs
Keep the stealth mode on and move downstairs. You’ll see more ghouls in front, shoot the barrels inside to trigger an explosion, this will kill and damage most of them. Then head back to the starting room to kill the rest that will chase you.
4. Back Point
Again downstairs you’ll see a back point behind the stairs with some light and corpses. They’re all ghouls, as soon as you get close they’ll stand up to attack you. I advice using a grenade here and running around until everything is dead.
5. The Glowing One
Head to the left this time and you’ll see an elite ghoul and one Glowing One. It’s your decision here how you want to handle them all. As usual, I used two projectiles first, then ran back and jumped onto a metal thing nearby, then shot the Glowing One, he’ll get confused and run around the metal giving you free time to shoot.
6. Pick the Reflex Capacitor
Go forward until you see a huge chest, that’s where the Reflex Capacitor is located. Pick it up and go back to Haylen to complete the mission and receive your rewards.

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