Gaming has evolved tremendously over the years. Do you remember when Conan O’ Brien took us down the memory lane and showed us classics such as the unforgettable Atari 2600, E.T. and a couple more? Of course, watching that video made us grateful for living in this time when, thank God gaming companies take graphics very seriously.
If we look back and compare the aforementioned classic video games to what we play now, we’ll only realize that things have CHANGED, for good.
A video game was first played in 1950s, when obviously the whole idea of gaming was fresh and still very speculative. However, as things progressed, the gaming industry expanded and grew into one of the most lucrative industries in the world. Now, each year, we see hundreds and thousands of new video games make their way in the market.
The advent of high-speed internet connection just like that you can get with Spectrum bundles, spells good news for the gaming fanatics since now they can enjoy gaming with the lowest ping and zero lagging.
The past few years have been no less than a revelation for the gaming realm. Graphics have gone from being basic and flat to being extremely life-like and mind-blowing. Therefore, It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the advancements in technology have done wonders for the gaming industry.
Speaking of the latest technology, the amalgamation of gaming with virtual reality in particular, has seen the most oohs and all the same number of ahs.
VR in Gaming
Virtual reality is a part of immersive technology that has taken over the gaming industry by storm. Just as the name suggests, virtual reality is the virtual simulation of computer-generated environment. Unlike Augmented Reality, which overlays computer-generated images on real-world scenarios and creates a composite view – you know, the best of both worlds kind of situation.
Virtual reality is slightly more complex than augmented mainly because of the equipment that makes it possible. You know, those fancy-schmancy head-mounted display thingies that bring your gaming experiences to life and cost you an arm and a leg when you intend to invest in them – yep, those!
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that virtual reality has given the gaming industry another few decades to flourish and bloom. To be honest, we all had thought that the gaming industry had already reached its point of saturation, years ago and there’s nothing left to expect from it, but thank God for the gaming geniuses and Sega of course, for introducing us to the first-ever Virtual Reality head-mounting device, and attempting to save this industry.
Virtual reality has taken the conventional gaming experience to a whole new level. Die-hard gamers that once dreamt of experiencing gaming in a way where they could enter the gaming world and experience everything for real, can now get a taste of all of that. All they require is a blazing-fast internet to experience VR at its finest.
You really cannot compromise on Internet when it comes to gaming with virtual reality since the technology requires low latency to work, or you can simply kiss your dream of playing VR-induced video games, goodbye.
In case you are still wondering if you should VR Gaming a try, then here is why you shouldn’t miss it for the world:
- It defies the idea of sitting in front of the screen for hours, trying to sneak-in a bullet into your nemesis’s head. Since it doesn’t work without a headset, you can control your gaming character in a lifelike manner, just like your brain does without the headset.
- It is great in helping people overcome their phobias, be it any. You are exposed to an environment where your survival depends upon overcoming these phobias. You can easily achieve that with the encouragement that VR gives to you.
- It improves your problem-solving skills too. The puzzles, and the clues improve your ability to make quick (but lifesaving) decisions.
- How could we have possibly overlooked this one? VR gaming keeps your endorphins and serotonin at a perfect level, which means, no stress! Simply put, VR gaming acts more like a portal that allows you to escape from the hustles and bustles of your daily routine.
- It can put an end to the dilemma that gaming turns you into a couch potato. VR gaming takes you on missions where you can walk around, taking down the bad guys. You never know, you might even end up shedding a couple of pounds of weight.
In a Nutshell
Although there are a few who still prefer video gaming the old, conventional way, but this is 2020 and it’s about time that we embraced the amalgamation of everything with the latest technology. VR in gaming is a mere teaser of what’s yet to come. So, let’s sit back and see what’s next in line.
Any comment?

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