Crystal Dynamics – the developers behind one of the best- and fastest-selling video games of recent history; the multi-award-winning video game – Tomb Raider. This video game also reincarnated the iconic female protagonist, Lara Croft. Take that, Nathan Drake! Nah, just kidding. I’m a huge huge fan of both games. Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get back to the news. Crystal Dynamics recently posted in their Tumblr account that they just upgraded their workplace, gearing up for better games in the future. Here are some of the details. Sit back and let us take a peek at the new home of Crystal Dynamics.
Crystal Dynamics: A New Home

Scot Amos, co-studio head of Crystal Dynamics, revealed that they have new facilities and rooms for their developers or employees to work and play around. He said in the post that,
“After months of planning, building, and some very late nights for the construction crew, we’ve just moved into our glorious new state-of-the-art studio!”, he continued, “We have some great new amenities, from hydraulic desks for everyone to adjust as they like, to black-out shades and light absorption paint for those darkness-loving developers.”
I don’t know about you guys, but, I’m digging those black-out shades.
Aside from the “performance boosting” environment, he also stated that they added an on-site Motion Capture stage. Now, that is a great investment to make more award-winning video games.
About on-site Motion Capture stage
He stated, “We’ve expanded to six fully equipped soundproof audio rooms too,” continued Amos. “With the growth of our team, we’ve also increased our studio meeting area and naturally outfitted it with tons of next-gen 4K screens, as well as dedicated console and PC gaming stations next to the huge new kitchen. Lastly, we’ve added two specialty rooms for optimal development efficiency: a photogrammetry capture space and our very own, on-site, fully equipped Motion Capture stage!”.
For those readers out there who don’t know what this means: the new photogrammetry capture space gives the artists and animators the ability to create ultra-realistic expressions and textures. Various video games are already using photogrammetry. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and Uncharted 4 are just someone the games that used this to produce highly detailed textures.
Photogrammetry capture space

Ron Rosenberg, co-studio head of Crystal Dynamics, also stated that, “The new studio will help Crystal Dynamics take our work to the next level,” he continued, “Crystal Dynamics’ new studio is nearly double the size in order to make room for all the new positions we’re hiring over the next year.”
You heard that right. For those aspiring game developers, artists, designers, and others out there who are looking to work in the game industry, they are hiring in various areas. You can check their website here.
Here are other photos included in their post. Enjoy!

Like to play guitar?

Do you know what this one means?

Like This One like I do?

Also, here is the trailer for The Avenger project they released:
So how about that. What do you think about Crystal Dynamics’ new headquarters? Do you believe that these upgrades will further help them produce more award-winning games in the future? Leave your comments down below and let’s have a discussion.

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