Raptor’s Rise is a small village located in a floating island near Yahara’s Mirage in The Scorching Sands. Getting there might seem confusing, since you need several steps before you can access this place. Learn how to do it in the easiest way.
Upon finishing chapter 30 of the storyline, you’ll have to go to Raptor’s Rise to unlock your next assignment. But how to get there? There are tons of huge rocks around and this place seems pretty high in the sky. If you explore a bit, you’ll discover that there are several ways to access this small town but there’s the easiest and fastest way to do it.
1. Head East Part of Yahara’s Mirage
Start by heading towards the yellow mark in your map if you have the main quest, if not just head east of Yahara’s Mirage. You’ll realize you can’t access your destination by foot though.
2. Run Into the Giant Rock in Front
Keep running forward towards the huge rock there. There’s another way to the right but that option takes more jumps and more time to do. Note that the access is on the very back, so you need to walk a bit.
3. Go to the Edge
After being on top of the rock, keep moving forward until you reach the edge. Then, walk backwards around two seconds. Prepare yourself to do a quick and precise jump.
4. Jump to the Second Rock
Give yourself some space and start running forward towards the middle of the second rock, do a sprint-jump with SHIFT to enable the floating jump. Use space to interrupt the move if necessary, you don’t want to fall down.
5. Jump to Raptor’s Rise
Now, do the same thing. Create some space to run and sprint. Start by going back a bit, then enable the floating jump to access the village’s island. As you land, you’ll see the other alternative access, which is way longer and complicated.

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