Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the latest additions to the iconic Pokémon series, offer a captivating adventure in the vibrant Galar region. Released for the Nintendo Switch, these games introduce new features and maintain the essence of what makes Pokémon games beloved by fans worldwide. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Metacritic is 7.8, which means it’s promising.…
Watching anime is not enough, we indulge in short episodes that end too quickly for us to comprehend, why don't we all try playing anime video games? The Shonen genre features countless titles and it is one of the biggest genres of anime. Let's check out the video games that fall into this genre, and…
Although Game of Thrones has concluded, there's still joy in revisiting or binge-watching the acclaimed HBO series. It remains a cultural icon, attracting a devoted fan base. Unsurprisingly, many seek ways to watch Game of Thrones for free, given its captivating characters and intricate plot. If you're asking yourself, "Where can I watch Game of…
Unrestricted games refer to desktop, mobile, or online video games that are not blocked by the school or workplace firewall. Here, we've listed the top unrestricted games you can enjoy anywhere.
7 online games that are not blocked in 2024
1. Tic-Tac-Toe
Tic-Tac-Toe stands as a classic and timeless game cherished by people of all ages.…
Indie games are the current generation's bread and butter, and the people who never played these games before are now showing some interest, especially in horror games. Let's unravel the list of the best horror video games, that you can play right away.
10. The Voidness
The Voidness is a gloomy and dark video game, it…
The team of antiheroes, the Suicide Squad is getting a new video game titled Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, it's going to launch in winter 2024 by Rocksteady Studios after the video game was delayed multiple times. But if you were thinking of buying the online version of a video game for your consoles…
Racing video games are fun to play especially when the balance of a car matters more than racing, Mini Racing Adventure has a gameplay that exceeds the expectations of many gamers who thought there could be better video games than this. But how good this video game is and could be for a new player?…
Xbox strategy video games are not big in number if you look up the term "Xbox Strategy Games." You will loop back to where you started from. Furthermore, to solve this matter we searched the whole internet and found the best strategy Xbox video game, here is the list of them.
10. Marvel's Midnight Suns
Since ancient times, humans have always wanted to prove themselves through competitive activities, showcasing skills, agility, or sheer strength. Whether completing a task quickly, winning a physical contest against opponents, or scoring goals or points with a ball, this drive for competition has taken various forms. The Nintendo Switch offers a variety of sports games,…
Sports games on PS5 are as popular as ever, the people who love playing outdoor sports, always tend to look for sports video games. We are enlisting the best sports game for PS5, that sports maniacs would find amusing. Let's start with our countdown.
10. Riders Republic
Do you want to compete in a Bike race?…