Tomb Raider
During the Xbox conference a Rise of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer was shown. The mostly CG trailer lasted only a couple of minutes, and no additional details were given.Based on how well the last entry sold it isn't surprising to see Laura Croft in a new game. The trailer talked about Laura's…
Platinum Games is developing a new entry into the Crackdown series. The game will debut exclusively on the Xbox One.The reveal trailer showed 2 players teaming up to take down a crime lord. If it resembles Crackdowns of old, expect a co-op game flush with content. In other words, a really nice experience that…
The Division got it's first gameplay trailer since last E3 during Microsoft's press conference. As a reminder, the games story revolves around a world in which a massive disease is released on Black Friday, and populations around the world are crippled. The ensuring mayhem is what The Division revolves around, using the rough atmosphere…
343 talked about their plans regarding the Halo franchise today while on stage at the Microsoft E3 press conference. They began by talking about Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which bundles Halo 1, 2, 3 and 4 together on Xbox One. The collection is all together on one disc, and features a unified menu…
Fable Legends
Lionhead Studios detailed the story, setting, and gameplay for its upcoming Fable Legends. A quick opening cinematic showed an opening village and some NPC characters. The trailer then went into some gameplay, which looks like really quick, really action-oriented Fable. The online co-op gameplay saw characters blending their skills to take down opponents.But…
Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive revealed a suite of info on Xbox's big stage. In addition to a new trailer and gameplay, an October 28th release date became final. The game also got a new online mode- dubbed Chaos Mode -allows up to 8 players to take on the city together. All of this…
Ubisoft revealed today, during Microsoft's E3 press conference, that next-gen exclusive Assassin's Creed Unity will be the first entry to feature co-op. You and two additional friends can now sleuth around revolutionary France coordinating for complex assassinations. The gameplay followed four assassins sneaking into a mansion in order to disrupt the guards, allowing the rebels…
Turn 10 Studios and company took the stage during Microsoft's press conference Monday to talk a bit about their upcoming projects. To begin, a brand new track will be available for free to Xbox One Forza 5 owners starting later today. The world famous Nurburgring is one of the more notable racing tracks, and…
Call of Duty
Opening the Microsoft press conference, developer Slegdehammer games revealed a new trailer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The trailer followed past Call of Duty E3 coverage, as a live developer played through a segment of the upcoming shooter. A number of new to the franchise features were seen, ranging from major…
UPDATE: The files are no longer available for download, we have removed the links as they point to nowhere now.ORIGINAL STORY FOLLOWS:Over the last day or so, Destiny first real gameplay footage on the PS4 has been leaked all over the internet. Activision has been swiftly removing every trace of the videos, making…