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AC Syndicate Guide: How to Make Quick and Easy Money

AC Syndicate Wallpaper

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate requires tons of money in order to unlock and upgrade almost all gear in game. Money is also required to buy utility supplies. By other words, money commands your power force. The thing is, becoming rich in Syndicate is not as simple as it seems.

Skill points are clearly the main combat element in game since they determinate your characters’ skills and power abilities. However, skill points won’t work as expected without certain gear and advanced upgrades. That’s when money comes to take its primary role in game. To acquire new weapons, armor pieces or even utility supplies, players need large amounts of pounds (Syndicate’s money). Despite being quite complicated to become rich in a short amount of time, you can easily get a lot of money by following the tips in this guide.

Note: This is a progressive guide. As you progress, some steps will become automated either by skills or by repetitive play.


1. Ubisoft E-Store

AC Syndicate e-Store

I’ll start with the easiest and quickest way to get in-game pounds. Simply access the Ubisoft e-store in-game while having some coins and click on: Get In-Game Currency: £. Also, if you’re looking for specific items such as crafting materials or experience boosts, you can directly purchase them from the store.


2. Loot Corpses

AC Syndicate Money Loot

At the beginning of the game, one of the main tricks is to loot everyone you kill. It can become bothersome sometimes but don’t worry you’ll be able to acquire an auto-loot skill after some levels (named Loot Takedown in the Stealth tree). Looting corpses will often give you free pounds (normally no more than 20£ per loot) and a few random utility items.


3. Locate and Open Chests

AC Syndicate Chest Loot

There are hidden chests all over London, all you have to do is locate them through your map. The chests are explicitly marked with a chest icon, so all you have to do is check in which level they’re placed. Normal chests contain medium amounts of money, as well as other useful items such as crafting materials. Locked chests contain better rewards, so don’t miss any of them.


4. Finish Story Sequences

AC Syndicate Sequences

Probably the most ordinary way to get money in action-games is to complete story quests. Mostly because they don’t just give experience, they also reward you with some great amounts of money. In AC Syndicate, the main quests are called Sequences and they’re marked as yellow symbols in the map, make sure to complete them as soon as you can.


5. Unlock the Scavenger and Lock-Picking Abilities

AC Syndicate Money Guide

In order to generate more income, you should unlock certain abilities in both Jacob and Evie. To get more and better loot from every resource you need to unlock the following skills: Scavenger I and Scavenger II in the Excosystem tree and the Lock-Picking I and Lock-Picking II in the Stealth tree. While the first allows you to get more income from each resource, the second will allow you to lock-pick high chests and doors that might contain hidden rewards.


6. Complete Income Activities

AC Syndicate Income Missions

Completing income activities all across London will put some extra pounds in your pocket. If you really need some quick money, open your map and look for nearby income missions, which can be displayed differently depending on their goal. The most common and rewarding ones include robbing trains, boats and carts. Besides money, players will often get crafting materials.


7. Unlock the Pub Investor Chain

AC Syndicate Gang Upgrades

To ensure that your faction will prevail, at least in terms of currency, you need to unlock the Pub Investor chain in the Gang Upgrades Swindler tree. These skills will allow you to literally buy pubs in London and start business points, which will increase your hideout income by 500£ every 30 minutes. The subsequent upgrades will also generate more pounds, such as the Pub Games, which allow you to sponsor football-street games and increase pub users, thus more money.


8. Unlock Shell Company and Rate of Income

AC Syndicate Gang Upgrades

This is another way to generate tons of money by using your Gang Upgrades. This time you should get the Shell Company and Rate of Income abilities, both from the Swindler tree. The first allows you to increase the payout from all income activities, while the second reduces your bills and increases your vault capacity by 25%.


9. Collect the Hideout’s Safe Vault

AC Syndicate Safe Vault

To make the previous two tips more effective, you need to regularly collect your hideout’s safe. Gang activities will generate money, even if you don’t upgrade it at all. However, to obtain that money you need to visit your train and collect the accumulated cash directly from your personal vault.


10. Beat the Fight Club

AC Syndicate Money Fight Club

The ultimate method to make quick and easy money is to beat the Fight Club Challenges. If you successful go through all the waves, you’ll end up with an astonishing reward – loads of money, crafting materials and sometimes even gear pieces! Note that each Fight Club NPC has a loyalty bar, the more you fight the more special rewards you’ll get upon beating the challenges.

Other Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Guides: AC Syndicate Guide: How to Level Up Quickly and Easily

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