There are a ton of secrets, hidden characters and surprises waiting for those who start playing the amazing Enter the Gungeon roguelike that has just been released on Steam and we’re planning to share some of these secrets with you in a series of guides dedicated to the game. In this article, we’re going to share a guide on how to unlock the secret character The Robot in Enter the Gungeon – but it won’t be easy. It will be fun, though, so let’s not waste any time and let’s check out this tutorial!
First off, let’s see what The Robot is all about!
Apart from looking pretty amazing (like an old computer bent on destroying any person, monster or robot it encounters), it also starts with a cool weapon: the Robot’s Right Hand, the Coolant Leak item (that sprays water around, extinguishing fires) and the Battery Bullets passive (bullets that pass over water become electrified). So yes, he’s a really good character, so let’s see how to unlock The Robot in Enter the Gungeon!
1. In chapter 2, go to the elevator room (where the elevator first was and now’s a hole) and jump down that hole.
2. You will get to a new room where the Elevator Monster can be found. Give him supplies to unlock the option to travel to any chamber.
3. After jumping down the elevator hole, you will get to a room where you will find an item that looks like a broken TV. Pick it up and hold onto it until you reach Blacksmith in Chamber 5.
Tip: While getting there, you might get to drop the TV or throw it to get past platforms. On each occasion, make sure that you pick it back up before leaving the room, otherwise it will disappear!
4. Once you get to the Blacksmith in Chamber 5, talk to her and give her the TV. And now you will have The Robot in the game! Here’s the little fella:
So you now have managed to unlock one of the secrets in the game, but there are more so make sure you come back soon to Vgamerz to find out everything about them all!

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