Warner Bros – the guys who currently own DC and any DC related products – has recently assumed all responsibility for the failure on the quality standards for their AAA Stealth-Action game Batman: Arkham Knight.
Throughout the powers of Arkham Knight’s forums, Warner Bros wrote an apology telling that they’ve heard the voice of disappointed players who have recently played the PC port of the game. In the apology they said:
“We have heard the PC gaming community outcry of disappointment for the initial launch of Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. Again, we would like to apologize to you, the fans, and let you know that we are taking full responsibility for releasing a product that did not meet our quality standards, which is why we suspended sales of the game as soon as we understood the issues.”
They also proceed to explain that the major problems and bugs of the PC version are obviously the reason why the team led to suspend the selling of the game.
They also told that this situation will change the way the company reviews their games.
All this, but nothing said about a date regarding a re-release date for the PC port, but WB was kind enough to leave us on this note:
“Please know that we are working on this every day,”
For more on The Arkham franchise, stay tuned to VGamerZ

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