NBA 2K17
NBA 2K17 has been launched and one of the things that most players are curious about are the badges. There are currently 55 badges that you can get in the game, divided into categories (personality and skill badges) and which can influence your play style and player reactions. These are, of course, only unlocked for My Player and I am here to share with you a complete guide to the NBA 2K17 badges: how to get them all in My Career!
One interesting thing to know about badges is that Personality Badges have one single tier, basically meaning that once you have unlocked them, they’re all yours and can’t be improved. However, skill badges have three tiers: Bronze, Silver and Gold and you can unlock the Bronze badge by completing the requirements, but you need VC in order to upgrade them to Silver and Gold, generally meaning that you have to pick and choose the best ones for your player and play style.
It also appears that there’s an extra level for your Archetype badges, after getting the Gold badge: the Hall of Fame Badges. In order to unlock these, after unlocking the Gold badge, you have to complete the requirements once more as you did for unlocking the Bronze badge.
These being said, let’s check out below our complete guide to NBA 2K17 Badges and how to get them for My Player in My Career!
NBA 2K17 Skill badges
These are probably the most important badges in the game as they greatly influence the type of player you are. Based on your chosen position and archetype when creating your player, you will already have 5 of these badges unlocked. Below are all of them:
Inside scoring badges
Acrobat: Changing the shot in air or trying trickier shots yields better results
How to get: Attempt at least 15 reverse layups during a season
Tear Dropper: Become the next Chris Paul by shooting great floaters.
How to get: Attempt 75 floaters during a season
Putback King: Scoring a basket after an offensive rebound is made close to the hoop is easier.
How to get: unknown
Pick & Roller: when playing pick & roll moves, you get better results (as the roller)
How to get: Call for a screen at least 100 times throughout an entire season.
Relentless Finisher: Contact shots near the hoop don’t affect energy as much.
How to get: Score 75 contact layups during a season. Your strength stat must be above an unknown level in order to get this badge.
Post Spin Technician: You are better at performing spin and/or drive moves
How to get: Spin or drive out of the post 100 times throughout an entire season.
Drop-Stepper: You are better at performing the drop step near the rim
How to get: unknown
Dream-Like Up & Under: Better performance from up & under moves
How to get: Attempt 50 up & under shots out of the post throughout an entire season.
Outside Scoring badges
Corner Specialist: You shoot better three pointers from the corners of the court.
How to get: Score 25 three point shots from the corner during a season
Mid-Range Deadeye: Improved performance when taking mid-range shots.
How to get: details not fully known, but you need a number of mid-range highly contested shots to get it.
Deep Range Deadeye: Improved performance when taking shots from deep range
How to get: details not fully known, but you need a number of deep range highly contested shots to get it.
Limitless Range: You get better results when shooting deep threes.
How to get: details not fully known, but you need a number of deep three highly contested shots to get it.
Difficult Shots: You score more when trying difficult shots off dribbles
How to get: details not fully known, but you have to score many forced/contested shots.
Pick & Popper: You are better as the popper when playing this move
How to get: unknown
Tireless Scorer: When shooting the ball, you can spend a lot of energy without losing effectiveness.
How to get: Score a basket when your stamina is blinking red.
Catch & Shoot: You are better at scoring still-standing shots.
How to get: coming soon.
Playmaking badges
Ankle Breaker: When performing a dribble move, your opponent can stumble or even fall
How to get: Get 200 ISO crossovers during your career.
Flashy Passer: You throw better flashy passes
How to get: Make 50 flashy passes during a season (they don’t have to result in assists).
Break Starter: You can throw better passes when trying to go on the break
How to get: Get 250 total defensive rebounds during a season
Pick & Roll Maestro: You throw better passes in pick & roll moves
How to get: Perform 100 successful pick & roll moves
Lob City Passer: You get more accurate passes for alley-oops
How to get: Get 50 alley-oop assists during a season.
Dimer: Amazing passer, gets you a ton of assists
How to get: Get 300 assists in 20 consecutive matches. Probably the easiest way to get it is by playing rookie.
Athletic badges
Lob City Finisher: Better at scoring from alley-oops
How to get: Score 15 alley-oops
Posterizer: Better at scoring over defenders
How to get: Score 15 contact dunks during a season
Bruiser: The player who defends you loses more energy.
How to get: Unknown
Brick Wall: Your screens are more effective.
How to get: Set 200 screens during a season
One Man Fast Break: You get better at going on and scoring from a fast break.
How to get: Score 100 times on fastbreak during a season.
Rebounding badges
Hustle Rebounder: You get better at rebounding when on defense.
How to get: coming soon.
Defensive Badges
Defensive Stopper: When defending a player, he loses a random offensive skill he might have
How to get: unknonwn.
Charge Card: Your player gets better at winning charge calls.
How to get: During a season, win 7 charge calls.
Pick Dodger: You’re able to ignore or get around screens easier
How to get: Unknown.
Pick Pocket: You get better at stealing the ball from your opponent.
How to get: Steal the ball 50 times during an entire season.
Rim Protector: Not only that you get higher chances at blocking shots, but the player you defend also has lower chances of scoring when he’s your match up
How to get: coming soon!
Chase Down Artist: Improved blocking shots
How to get: Block a minimum of 25 shots during a season.
NBA 2K17 Personality Badges
Alpha Dog: Team leader. You can single-handedly drive your team to victory.
How to get: For any period of 20 games, play 60% of team minutes per game and be the best rated offensive player in the team.
Clutch Performer: You perform better in important games and game moments
How to get: coming soon.
Wildcard: A highly inconsistent player. Not the best badge to have!
How to get: Coming soon.
Spark Plug: You can make big, important plays when coming off the bench or after a timeout. This also energizes teammates.
How to get: For any period of 6 games, average a minimum of 7 points per game when coming off the bench.
Enforcer: Your tough physical play allows you to wreak havoc on the floor.
How to get: During a season, commit 10 hard fouls.
Floor General: When you’re on the court, your teammates perform better in offense.
How to get: You need to have played at least 30 games and have your Playmaker discipline at level 18. You also need an average of at least 5 assists per game.
Hardened: When you are playing injured or very tired, your skills won’t drop as much.
How to get: For any 20 consecutive games, play 80% of team minutes. You also must meet the attributes listed below based on your position:
– PG, SG & SF: Stamina & Durability 90
– PF & C: Stamina 85, Durability 90
Defensive Anchor: When you’re on the court, your teammates perform better in defense.
How to get: You need to have played at least 30 games and have your Defender discipline at level 18. You also need an unknown average of steals/blocks per game.
Championship DNA: You can see incoming double teams & you perform better during the playoffs.
How to get: Get the Finals MVP award or be the highest rated player when a season ends.
Microwave: You increase the Hot meter faster
How to get: You must get your player to “hot” status during 5 consecutive games.
Friendly: You are generally liked by teammates and everybody else. (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: Make a connection with either Giannis Antetokounmpo, Chris Bosh, Tony Parker or Andre Drummond. If you get this, you can’t get the Reserved badge.
Reserved: A quiet, introverted type of player. (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: Make a connection with either Chris Paul or James Harden. Can’t get the Friendly badge if you get this.
Legendary Work Ethic: Very hard working type of player. (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: coming soon
High Work Ethic: Works harder than most other players. (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: coming soon.
All-Time Great: An amazing offensive player that strives to do the most on the field. (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: During a series of 15 consecutive games, your Field Goal attempts by Assists ratio must be at least as indicated below, based on your position:
PG: 4 to 1 (meaning that for every 4 shooting attempts – free throws don’t count – you have at least 1 assist)
SG: 4.5 to 1
SF: 5 to 1
PF: 8 to 1
C: 8 to 1
Low Ego – A player for whom the team matters more than personal performance. He’s the real MVP. (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: During a series of 15 consecutive games, your Field Goal attempts by Assists ratio must be at least as indicated below, based on your position:
PG: 2 to 1 (meaning that for every 2 shooting attempts – free throws don’t count – you have at least 1 assist)
SG: 2.5 to 1
SF: 3 to 1
PF: 6 to 1
C: 6 to 1
Keep It Real: Responds best to more aggressive approach. (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: coming soon!
Pat My Back: Responds best to friendlier approach. (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: coming soon!
Expressive: A very outgoing type of player. (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: Choose to celebrate every time you have the option to do so.
Unpredictable: A player’s whose behavior can go from one extreme to the other (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: Coming soon!
Laid Back: A very calm, chill player (Does not affect gameplay)
How to get: coming soon.
So these are all the badges you can get in NBA 2K17. If you have information about the badges that we don’t know how to unlock yet, please share it in the comment section below. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends – they’ll surely want to know everything about badges too!

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