Expanding the Minutemen is one the main goals in Fallout 4 and Preston will constantly give you new assignments to help fellow settlers in the Commonwealth. Raider Troubles at Oberland Station is one of the first missions. Learn how to do this.
A small settler camp at the south of Lexington has been raided several times and the victims have requested help from the Minutemen. Start by reaching the location in your map and ready yourself for a long and exciting journey into the East.
1. Reach the Oberland Station
To initiate this mission, head towards the Oberland Station. There can be several confronts during your path but nothing major. Make sure to gear up before going, you’ll need a strong weapon and ammo.
2. Travel to Back Street Apparel
After talking to the settler, head to the new mission objective – Back Street Apparel, where the raider outpost is located. Since the outpost is quite far and the zone is not exactly friendly, stay out of the main roads.
3. Enter the Outpost
Once you reach the location, kill the raiders outside and enter the outpost. You’ll instantly get attacked by two raiders, take them down and carefully proceed to the next levels. Do not enter the left room there.
4. Kill Everyone
Clear the building to make a safe zone for your next move. In order to fight Clutch, the raider leader, you need safe space to move. So kill everyone first, so you don’t get backstabbers during your next fight.
5. Take Clutch Down
Now, head back to the stairs. Send your companion or go inside the room yourself to lure Clutch out. Then go back to the stairs and shoot her from there. You get free cover this way and Clutch will eventually die. Head back to the settler camp afterwards and talk to Preston to complete the mission.
Read the next exclusive mission guide here at VgamerZ: Fallout 4 Mission Guide: Tradecraft.

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