A free update has been announced that will bring five major additions to Super Mario Maker. The most important change is the addition of checkpoints into the game, which has been the most requested feature by players since the game launched in September. Simply shaking an arrow sign will turn it into a checkpoint flag that will save your progress in a level once you touch it, and a maximum of two can be placed in any stage. Checkpoints will make difficult stages far more manageable and allow creators to be more daring with their designs.
The new update will also give makers the ability to combine Super Mushrooms and Fire Flowers in a single ?-block and only one will come out based on the state that the player is in. Small Mario will receive a mushroom, while big Mario will get a flower. The third addition will be a new, more challenging difficulty for the secret Gnat Attack minigame. This minigame won’t be an asset for level creation and is simply a bonus for your own amusement. Next, an official courses section will be added that features all levels designed by Nintendo employees. Finally, a section for Event Courses will be added that includes levels surrounding special events. How these events will be organized is currently unknown.
The update is scheduled to release on November 4th. You can check out the announcement trailer here. What are your thoughts on the new content coming to Super Mario Maker? What do you still want to see added to the game? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

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