Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has finally been given a release date: September 1st 2015. Metal Gear Online will also launch along side the release of the Phantom Pain.
In the latest instalment of the Metal Gear Solid franchise Snake awakes from a nine year long coma, which was a result of the ending of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain’s prequel. Snake will embark on a personal journey for revenge. The journey will take him to Afghanistan sometime after his escape from the hospital. Snake, the games protagonist, will be voiced by Kiefer Sutherland.
The Phantom Pain is touted to be Hideo Kojima’s last Metal Gear game, and will also act as a prequel to Metal Gear, the series’ first game.
A collectors edition of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is now also available to pre order. The collectors edition will include:
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (the game)
- Exclusive Collectors Edition Packaging
- Game Map
- Behind the scene’s Blu-Ray documentary and trailers
- Half scale replica of Snake’s bionic arm
Inside the collectors edition you’ll also receive bonus in game content. These are:
- Customisable Venom Snake emblem
- Snake outfit set including 4 different Snake camouflage fatigues
- Cardboard box set including 3 different cardboard box designs
- Weapons pack including 4 different weapon and shield sets
- Metal Gear Online items (Gold AM MRS-4, Gold WU S. Pistol, Metal Gear Rex Helmet)
- Metal Gear Online XP boost
There will also be a cheaper Day One edition of The Phantom Pain. The bonus content will include:
- Metal Gear Online XP boost
- Blue Urban Fatigues outfit
- Wetland cardboard box
- Adam-ska Special revolver (classic Metal Gear weapon)
- Silver personal ballistic shield
This is truly fantastic news that one of the gaming industry’s biggest known franchises will be releasing one of the most highly anticipated games to come out for the past few years later on in the year, the only shame is that we’ve still got to wait six months before we can play The Phantom Pain. Mark it on your calendars, September 1st cannot come any sooner.

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