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Life is Strange Episode 5 Guide: The Last Digital Code

Life is Strange Tornado

Life is Strange is a graphic adventure game with a relatively simple gameplay. However, there are a few parts that can become challenging without tips. Here’s a quick guide for the last digital code scene.

As most of the hardest scenes in this game, you need to pay attention to your surroundings or ultimately wait for Max’s tips. This digicode might appear difficult at first sight but it really isn’t. Once you enter the bathroom scene, you just have to follow these steps and you’ll unlock the door in a matter of seconds.


Life Is Strange Episode 5 digicode1. Use the Digicode and Try to Unlock It

Try a random number and fail the attempt. This action will trigger a new environment scene around you filled with random four digit codes. Don’t panic, the answer is right in front of you.


Life Is Strange Episode 5 digicode2. Approach the Mirrors

Instead of trying random combinations with the most used numbers (2, 3, 5, 6), as everyone tends to do, approach the two mirrors in front of you.



Life Is Strange Episode 5 digicode3. Check the Left Mirror

Upon getting close to the mirror, you’ll receive a tip about the mirror not reflecting any of the numbers. But if you look closely at the left mirror you’ll realize a backwards code: 1130.


Life Is Strange Episode 5 digicode4. Apply the Code in the Opposite Order

Now, all you have to do is insert the code in the opposite order: 0311. And that’s it, the door will open and you’ll unlock the next scene.



I know this appears to be simple enough but for first timers it can take a couple of minutes if not more, when in fact it can take only a few seconds to complete.

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