Ubisoft’s Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is launching in mid-January 2024. The video game’s trailer and gameplay reveal are critically disliked. The Metascore of the video game is likely to be lower than any video game from the franchise. Why are fans disliking such a visually beautiful video game that has yet to come? Let’s discover more here.
Ubisoft’s Innovations Are Backfiring
Ubisoft is one of the greatest video game corporations, they always stick to what they initially announce. We all have seen it happening for the past 2 decades. But recently they have changed their way of dealing with video games. They are paying more attention to bringing change rather than polishing the current video games. Assassin’s Creed Origins was the turning point for most. Although it is critically acclaimed for showcasing assassins’ history and unity, it still lacked a cunning presentation. To this date, people on the internet slander the video game and Ubisoft for dimming the assassins’ presence. But you can’t deny Ubisoft’s consistency and hard work, they release about 15-20 games per year. And all video games in the end turn out to be a hit.
As of now, Ubisoft’s innovations and blending of new genres aren’t going to help them. What fans most desire is quality not quantity.
A Prince of Persia Video Game Without a Prince?
For the very first time in the franchise’s history, it’s going to happen, a Price of Persia video game without a prince. Persia The Lost Crown follows a young warrior from the warrior clan called The Immortals, named Sargon. Sargon is on an adventure to rescue Prince Ghassan, who is captive at Mount Qaf. The video game takes place in a fictional Mount Qaf. The video game depicts Mount Qaf as a place brimming with multiple curses, where all the evil in the world is born.
The Immortals including young Sargon pass through treacherous paths, fight nearly invulnerable entities, and keep the world balanced.
The premise raises many questions, from the people who have been following the series from the beginning. Instead of the Prince saving his family, wife/partner, and his throne, he is the one who is in danger, and his people are rushing to rescue him. The most reasonable question right now is, why to name a video game Prince of Persia, if you are not going to showcase the prince, not even for a split-second?
Similarities and Mismatches of the Prince of Persia the Lost Crown to the Original Franchise
The video game pays homage to the original franchise, Prince of Persia is infamous for creating 2.5D video games, initially 2D, which are based on parkour and fantasy. The Lost Crown features the same gameplay mechanics with modern animation and graphics, however, this might be one of the major reasons why fans are mad at Ubisoft. Instead of developing a first-ever 3D Prince of Persia video game, they plunged into the same old 2.5D graphics. But it doesn’t mean they didn’t try blending the Contemporary Era with the 9th century AD, the trailer features rap music. Also, the Protagonist looks like a cool and chill teenager, his face and hairstyle somehow match modern teenagers.
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown’s arrival made the series’ original protagonist’s departure.
The biggest upset of the video game is its animation, even though it is landing the pitch-perfect animation, judged by the trailer. Animation lacks a quick response time. The gameplay trailer unveils how the video game gets stuck randomly despite having quick-paced action.
The video game hitting a big score in sales is unlikely to happen, even if it manages to get past the budget spent on the video game. It won’t get anywhere top.
We had a reason behind thinking why the game would flop, and we were not the only ones thinking that, for instance, try checking out the gameplay trailer’s comment section. We didn’t review the video game, we brought a piece of news, a thread for why it might flop.

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