I used to hate it when I saw flying creatures in No Man's Sky! I thought that they are impossible to scan and identify, therefore making it impossible for…
No Man's Sky has just been launched and everybody's been playing it like crazy, discovering new planets and forms of life, following the Atlas path and wondering what's at the…
I've been playing No Man's Sky like crazy in the past few days and I have already discovered and explored a bunch of planets, named a gazillion animal species and…
One of the new cards being added to Hearthstone with the upcoming One Night in Karazhan expansion has been creating a negative stir. Purify is a new card for the…
Back in 2016, a hack and slash game, named Lost Soul Aside, was announced. The gameplay is similar to many other games of this genre like Devil May Cry and…
Games with Gold Freebies 2016
While I am sadly a little late on this, both Sony and Microsoft have announced and released the next batch of games with gold freebies…
With the insane popularity that Pokemon Go is enjoying right now everywhere in the world, the news of a Pokemon mod for GTA 5 shouldn't come as a huge…
Things weren't off to the best start with some of the first cards we saw being added with One Night in Karazhan, but the full list is now available…
One Night in Karazhan is bringing some of the most fondly-remembered boss fights from World of Warcraft into Hearthstone and, while they're always fun challenge, it's the cards they award…
During a special event held at ChinaJoy Expo and streamed through the official Hearthstone Twitch channel, Blizzard revealed the next expansion for their popular digital card game. The new Hearthstone…