Fallout 4
Bethesda Softworks, the developers behind the much acclaimed franchises like Fallout and The Elders Scrolls, has announced that Fallout 4 will have more than 111,000 lines of speech, and just so you have an idea, that’s more than Fallout 3’s and Skyrim’s total amount of lines combined.
Bethesda Game Studios tweeted:
“Many years of #Fallout4 voice recording complete! Just over 111k lines. More than Fallout 3 and Skyrim combined.”
One of the main reasons for multitude of speeches in the game is that, for the first time, the protagonist of the game will actually speak, and because of the huge size of the game, you will have more talking than in previous iletirations.
In the other hand one, of the much acclaimed characters of Fallout 3 known as Three Dog will not be present in the Fallout 4. This information was confirmed by Erik Todd Dellums, the voice actor of Three Dog, who tweeted saying that he won’t be involved with the the new game:
“I admit, the finality of this tweet felt like a gut punch. Sad to not be included. Best with the game. #ShareLove”
And don’t forget, for more on Fallout franchise and Bethesda Softworks -related, stay tuned to VGamerZ.

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