February 2015 is definitely going to be a month dedicated to action games. Despite the relative low amount of video game releases planned for this month, there are a few notable and highly anticipated titles incoming, such as Evolve and The Order: 1886.Here are the most promising video games coming out this month.
6. Total War: Attila (MAC, PC)
Attila is the ninth game from Sega’s Total War series. The game is based on Attila’s historical conquests as one of the most feared leaders of the Hunnic Empire. Total War: Attila is a real-time strategy game that will feature three main factions: the Danes, the Geats and the Jutes. The provincial system will allow players to choose and adapt tactics depending on the circumstances, since each region within a province can be conquered separately. The game will feature a multiplayer mode and several packs of DLC in the release day, which will add further factions, units and campaigns. You can get it here.
5. Dead or Alive 5: Last Round (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)
The final update of the Dead or Alive 5 series will arrive late February. Last Round will feature over 30 characters and a set of new realistic moves providing the ultimate fighting experience. The game will also feature multi-stages, allowing players to fight in several consecutive environments. Stage interaction, counter-attacks, combos and costumes will remain key elements in Last Round. However, the typical character brutality and elegance will be displayed with further refinement. You can get it here.
4. Game of Thrones: Episode 2 – The Lost Lords (iOS, MAC, PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)![GoT E2 WP]()
The Lost Lords is the second episode of the acclaimed video game adaptation of Game of Thrones. The new episode is already available and it follows the story of several characters. The journey begins after the massacre at the Twins. It follows Gared’s training at the Night’s Watch – to fulfill his duty to House Forrester he must become a ranger and protect the North Grove. At King’s Landing, Mira desperately seeks for the Crown’s support. As typical of Telltale Games, this is an interactive graphic adventure based on players’ decisions.
3. Resident Evil Revelations 2 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)
Another game of the Resident Evil series is arriving later this month. Revelations 2 will feature Claire Redfield, as the main protagonist, and Barry Burton’s daughter Moira, as a secondary and supportive character. Other confirmed characters are Barry and Natalia Korda, a little girl with special powers. Very little is known about the storyline, except that it will take place between the events of Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6. This survival-horror adventure will be released in an episodic form and it will feature a cooperative gameplay mode. You can get it here.
2. Evolve (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
Evolve is a sci-fi first-person shooter game set in a distant future. The plot takes place in Shear, a planet with valuable human colonies, that is soon attacked by volatile aliens. In a desperate attempt to defend Shear, a team of expendable hunters is assembled, setting the main conflict of Evolve. The game will feature four main classes (assault, trapper, medic, support) and four game modes (hunt, nest, rescue, defend) with over 15 different monster types. Both human and monsters have access to unique skills. However, monsters have the ability to hunt smaller monsters and evolve into something stronger. You can get it here.
1. The Order: 1886 (PS4)
The Order: 1886 is probably one of the most anticipated games of the year and is coming out this month. With the promise of taking full advantage of the next-gen graphical capabilities, this action game will present an alternate history of London, where an enigmatic order keeps the world safe from monsters known as the half-breed. The game will keep certain realism levels by introducing existing monuments and weapons based on historic theories. Some of the unique features in this game involves environmental interaction, lock-picking, small puzzles and group tactics. You can get it here.
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