Civilization: Beyond Earth is one of my most anticipated games, and with its upcoming release in October, the pre-order offers have started to pop up all over the internet. We did some research on the best places to pre-order Civilization: Beyond Earth and found out that Amazon has a really nice offer, since they add something extra to the regular Pre-Order bonus.
Therefore, if you decide to splash the cash on the game early on, not only that you will have the chance to play it as soon as it launches on October 24th, but you will also get a free map pack: the Exoplanets Map Pack which includes six custom maps inspired by real-world exoplanets described below:
- Kepler 186f: This lush forest planet is one of the oldest known Earth-like planets.
- Rigil Khantoris Bb: Orbiting the closest star to the solar system, the historical records of this arid continental planet’s settlement are well-preserved.
- Tau Ceti d: This planet of seas and archipelagos features a booming biodiversity and a wealth of resources.
- Mu Arae f: Tidally locked in orbit around a weak star, the southern hemisphere of this planet is a blistering desert where the sun never sets, while the northern hemisphere is perpetually in frozen darkness.
- 82 Eridani e: An alien world of scarce water and wracked by tectonic forces.
- Eta Vulpeculae b: A mysterious new discovery with unknown terrain.
To keep things interesting, every new game will, in true Civilization fashion, randomize the geographic layouts each time you start a new game. So there’s a ton of replayabilty and extra goodness for a beautiful game.
Why choose this offer and not the offer of other stores who give you the same Civilization: Beyond Earth pre-order bonus? Well, simply because Amazon also throws in a $5 video game credit bonus, basically cutting the overall price even more. And I believe that this is a great deal for a game you’re probably going to purchase anyway! So click here to check out the offer while it still stands!

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