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10 Games That No One Has Played (And Everyone should)


Sometimes wonderful games are created that simply just don’t sell well despite being legitimately good games. Whether it be lack of hype, poor marketing, or any other number of reasons, these games sold poorly, but deserve to be played by each and every one of you gamers out there. So do yourself a favor and read on about these rare gems that you may have never heard of, but should seek out as soon as possible. You can thank me later.

First of all let me make a few things clear. Not one of these games even sold a million copies so I am going to start with the best selling game on the list and work my way down to the least selling game. I am going to post the title of the game and right next to it will be a number indicating how many copies it sold worldwide. The site I got the sales numbers from is called and they post sales numbers by millions of copies sold so since none of these games sold over a million it will say for example 1. Yada Yada (.64 million), and then a little bit about the game. So Now that we understand each other lets crack on then shall we?

1. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (.89 million)

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is an action-adventure platforming game set in a post apocalyptic world where machines left over from the war that left the world in ruins, roam the earth searching for the few humans that are left to enslave them and take them to an unknown place called Pyramid.

The gameplay is fun and fast paced, as the main character known as Monkey uses a staff to destroy his enemies and his parkour and climbing abilities (hence the name Monkey) to traverse the ruins of the world. What makes this game truly great however is the wonderful relationship between Monkey and Tripitaka (call her Trip). After they escape from the slave ship Monkey is forcibly enslaved by Trip and has to help her get to the west where there is supposedly a safe haven for humans.

In the beginning Monkey is forced to help Trip and isn’t to happy about it, but as the game goes on they develop a real relationship with each other as they grow closer through the stressful and dangerous situations they endure together. Throughout the entire game there are only 3 characters so Ninja Theory (the developers) really had to make sure they created some truly interesting characters, and they most certainly did. The relationship between Trip and Monkey is done so wonderfully that you will truly be invested in these characters as you play through the game and will miss them when it’s all over. If you’re looking for a beautiful take on a post apocalyptic world with a few of the most intriguing characters gaming has to offer, swing on over to you’re local game stop and snatch this one up.

2. The Saboteur (.87 million)

The Saboteur is an open world third person action-adventure game set during World War II in a German occupied France. The game is set in black and white at the beginning and as you liberate sections of the city color floods the screen indicating you have taken control of that part of the city. The gameplay is fluid third person shooting with small stealth aspects and hand to hand takedowns. Devlin can even climb buildings Assassins Creed esque to take out watch towers and snipe unsuspecting foes.

The game is all open world filled with surprisingly varied missions and side quests. You will do things from taking out an entire enemy base by yourself armed with explosives and the many guns you can acquire, to sneaking through an enemy outpost disguised as a high ranking officer that you killed to gather sensitive information to help the resistance. The Saboteur is a very fun open world game that is packed with varied exciting missions and many other things to discover as you’re journey for revenge unfolds. If you’re looking for a different open world game filled with shooting, explosions, fast cars and a cocky one liner spewing Irish man, this game is for you boy’o.

3. Condemned 2: Bloodshot (.85 million)

Condemned 2: Bloodshot is a first person psychological horror game which takes place 11 months after the original Condemned. You play as Ethan Thomas, an alcoholic ex cop that was relieved of duty after the events of the first game. The games combat is centered around brawling with you’re fists as Ethan can perform combos and environmental kills. Ethan can also pick up many objects around the environments to use as weapons ranging from simple wooden planks and metal pipes to more creative weapons such as paper cutters to swords and axes. You can also find firearms from pistols to shotguns and machine guns. However guns are much harder to find than melee weapons and ammo is very limited. This may sound annoying but for this game it was a wonderful design choice as it forces you to get up close and personal with the creepy enemies you will face instead of just shooting them as soon as you see them.

That being said, Condemned 2 is a horror game that is actually very scary. I am an absolute horror fan and I don’t get scared easily but condemned 2 still manages to freak me out even still. Condemned 2 offers some of the best scary moments in my personal video game history with two particular moments that still linger in my mind today. One involving some extremely creepy mannequins and the other involving a giant animal in a dilapidated mansion, and I know for a fact that if you played this game that scene with said giant animal scared the living crap out of you just like it did me. Horror fans shouldn’t pass this game up.

4. Sniper Elite: V2 (.77 million)

Sniper Elite: V2 is a tactical stealth shooter set in World War II. The point of the game is to snipe lotsa nazi’s! Therefore you will spend most of you’re time sniping so luckily that part of the game is extremely satisfying. When you fire a bullet the camera will go into a cinematic bullet time mode all the way until it reaches you’re target. Sometimes the bullet will just pierce the poor victim but other times the camera will turn into an x-ray allowing you to see the bullet tear through every part of the victims body.

If you shoot someone in the head you will watch fragments of the victims skull fly all over the place as the bullet goes into his brain and out the other side. The coolest ones are when you shoot an enemy that’s lying down and the bullet goes all the way through his chest tearing through all of his vital organs and exiting somewhere around his rectum. These x-ray cams are extremely graphic and absolutely gorgeous. If you have always wondered what it would be like to be a true sniper, adjust you’re sites and pick this game up as soon as you can.

5. Metro 2033 (.63 million)

Metro 2033 is an FPS survival horror game set in a post apocalyptic Moscow. You play as Artyom who was born in one of the metro stations after everyone was forced to live in the metro’s because of the nuclear war that occurred in 2010. As one of the younger more physically strong men in the metro colony you are asked to seek help from one of the outside cities as the demons on the outside threaten to over-run you’re metro station.

The gameplay is all first person shooting action, the thing that makes it unique however is that most of the guns are contraptions that the people have put together because of their limited resources. You will also have to scavenge the world for bullets as everything around you is a wasteland. This forces you to pick you’re shots wisely which causes tension throughout the game and makes it feel like every fire fight is a real fight for you’re life. You will also have to wear a gas mask when you venture out of the metro’s because of the lingering radiation. Managing your oxygen level is just another aspect that really makes it feel like a struggle to survive in the desolate Moscow. The story becomes very interesting as the game goes on and there’s even a few twists to keep you on you’re toes.

6. The Darkness 2 (.51 million)

The Darkness 2, an FPS and the sequel to one of my favorite games of this generation. It came out early this year and while it wasn’t as loveable as the first game for small reasons, it still holds up as one of the best games I have played this year. Throughout the game a mysterious group called the brotherhood is looking to extract the Darkness from Jackie so they can have the powers for themselves. At the same time Jackie is trying to figure out if all that’s happening to him is truly actually happening or if it’s all just mind games that the Darkness is playing on him. After some of the events Jackie goes through he will then find himself waking up in the bed of a mental  hospital where the doctors are all his mafia friends that tell him this is all a story he is making in his head from reading too many mafia books.

Both sides of the story are very interesting and wondering whether or not everything is real weaves the story nicely. The gameplay is drastically improved in this one as Jackie can “quad weild” using his two demon arms to throw objects such as car doors to slice enemies in half with the left and perform extremely violent finishers on enemies with the right such as “wishboning” an enemy by picking him up by his feet and tearing him down the middle in two. Jackie can also dual wield weapons in his two hands therefore being able to use four weapons all at once. The entire game is a bloodbath and it’s extremely fun. Jackie also still has visions of his dead girlfriend Jennie that was killed in the first one and the hallucinations that he has of her are truly emotional scenes which brings a nice breather from all the killing. If you’re looking for a good, emotional story with extremely violent gameplay to boot, start practicing you’re mobster accent and go get both of these fantastic games. I strongly suggest it.

7. Singularity (.47 million)

Singularity is an FPS with some survival horror elements. You play as Captain Nathaniel Renko, an American soldier who has been sent to investigate an electromagnetic surge that occurred on the secret island of Ketorga-12. After his helicopter crashes on Ketorga-12 Renko begins to mysteriously time shift from the present to 1955, the year something catastrophic occurred on the island. The game weaves a great story as you go back and forth between present day and 1955 as you try to make sense of what exactly happened on this mysterious island. You will be interested until the very end, and some really cool plot twists will keep you thinking about this game even after you have finished it.

The gameplay is all first person shooting with an array of cool futuristic weapons, and a device called the TMD (time manipulation device). The TMD allows you to warp objects forward and back in time to create tactical advantages, new paths that you previously couldn’t reach, or environmental hazards to help you dispose of you’re enemies. The TMD can also warp enemies into the future causing them to disintegrate right in front of you. The use of the TMD is really cool and mixes up the combat in a unique way apart from just shooting bullets. If you’re looking for a time travel game that will mess with you’re head along with some unique FPS gameplay then get ready to have some fun.

8. Shadows of the Damned (.32 million)

Shadows of the Damned is a third person shooter where you play as Garcia Hotspur, a demon hunter that goes into the depths of hell to save his girlfriend Paula that was abducted by Fleming, the Lord of demons. Garcia is accompanied by his banished demon friend Johnson, Johnson is a floating skull that can transform into Garcia’s weapons. The game is very tongue in cheek the entire time and never takes itself seriously as it is filled with ridiculous jokes and goofy humor. If you’re as immature as I am then you will have an absolute blast and laugh along with all the cheesy dialogue throughout.

The gameplay is very satisfying as you will be fighting demons that kind of act as zombies most of the time. It’s always a blast to watch the demon’s heads pop and if you manage to get close enough you can perform a few brutal melee finishers. There are also many boss battles in this game and in some games boss battles are just time consuming bullet sponges, but in Shadows of the Damned every boss battle in the game is very unique and well thought out. Each one is different and you feel accomplished once you finally defeat them. If you’re looking for a tongue in cheek, demon killing romp with absolutely wonderful boss battles, strap on you’re demon hunting shoes and dive in, you’re in for one hell of a ride.

9. Binary Domain (.31 million)

Binary Domain is a third person sci-fi shooter set in Tokyo in the year 2080. You play as Dan Marshall, First Seargant of Rust Crew, a group of mercenaries paid to control the laws of the Robots that were created to rebuild the cities after world wide flooding. Dan and his crew are sent to find and capture Yoji Amada, the leader of the Amada corporation that built the robots and is now believed to have created “Hollow Children” which are Robots that are made to look like real people.

The game is a linear experience that thrusts you into one crazy action set piece after another. The action stays intense until the end and the combat is extremely satisfying as you can dismember robots Dead Space style. Pieces and chunks of metal fly everywhere as you tear through you’re enemies. It truly makes you feel like you are causing some real damage with each bullet fired. You can stick on cover like Gears of War and peek over to shoot. The combat is always fluid and fun and you will fight some very creative and massive bosses in each stage. If you’re looking for a futuristic iRobot type story with action packed robot shooting mayhem, Binary Domain is just what you need.

10. Deadly Premonition (.23 million)

Deadly Premonition may be the last game on this list, but it certainly doesn’t mean it’s the worst. Deadly Premonition is set in a small Twin Peaks, Bright Falls type town where a grisly murder has taken place and the killer is on the loose. You take on the case as FBI agent Francis York Morgan (call him York) and just typing his name makes me excited to write about this game. You see, Deadly Premonition is a bad video game when it comes to this generation’s video game standards. It has PS2 looking graphics, clunky gameplay in every aspect, and the soundtrack consists of the same four songs throughout the whole game. However do not write this game off because you would be missing out on one of the most enjoyable games you will EVER play. Simply look past the bad graphics and clunky gameplay because literally everything else about this game is fantastic for its own weird reason.

Deadly Premonition is weird… like really weird, and it’s wonderful. Every single character in the town has their own weird thing about them. For starters, York has a split personality named Zach who he will talk to while he is completely alone, or openly right in front of people. The town sheriff will randomly make extremely over exaggerated arm movements during conversations for no reason. The towns crazy lady carries around a pot everywhere she goes and never lets anyone see what’s inside the pot and is always complaining about her pot getting too cold. Every character in the game has something weird like this about them and it makes every character extremely interesting as you talk to them and try to figure out what their weird quirk is.

The story will completely suck you in and not let go. The town is one of the most real life feeling video game towns ever created. The game will make you feel like a real FBI agent as you have to go to many different areas and actually have to question people and gather clues to crack the case. I actually found myself writing potentially important information or suspects down in a notebook as I played through the game because I was that invested in the characters and story. I could go on for pages about this game but I will just leave it to you to experience everything this game has to offer in the 30 plus hours you will spend with it. Go pick up deadly premonition ASAP, you won’t regret it.

So there you have it, the best games that no one has played. I would strongly suggest you try to play all these games on this list especially since you can find most of them for 20 dollars or less, but if you can’t play them all, play the few that sound the most appealing to you and have fun. And if you know of any games out there that are great games that no one has played, let us know in the comments so we can start playing them.


    Posted October 20, 2012 at 5:48 pm

    Nice article, but I found an error:

    Under the Sniper Elite V2 section, “…you will spend most of you’re time sniping…”, you used “you’re” instead of “your”. Just wanted to point that out.

  • Andrew Jettkins
    Posted October 20, 2012 at 6:02 pm

    how do You mean noone has played? I’ve played Saboteur, Metro 2033 (TOO DAMN HARD!), Singularity (completed on all dificulties and Binary Domain (great game – highly recommended!)

    • Jon
      Posted October 24, 2012 at 10:45 pm

      Probably means “not a lot of people.” Basically relatively no one. Also, Just because you played them (hell, I played a few on this list) doesn’t mean a lot of people have.

  • Nick
    Posted October 20, 2012 at 9:03 pm

    Dude…please learn the difference between YOUR and YOU’RE and what the plural of NAZI is… Gaming journalism shouldn’t accept an elementary-school level of grammar.

  • Andrew
    Posted October 21, 2012 at 10:47 am

    Nick if you haven’t realized yet, journalism is dead now.

  • Jonoridge
    Posted February 11, 2013 at 9:26 pm

    I was expecting some hidden gems from generations ago. I still think when a game has like 0.5million sales that’s a lot and hardly a “no one has played” sort of game.

    The only one on here I would recommend is Deadly Premonition although it is what I would call a marmite game. You’ll either love it or hate it. Hell look at the reviews one review gave it 1/10 and another gave it 9/10.

    Considering it’s current gen personally for me Catherine should of been on here. Unique & innovative.

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